Chapter 3

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Dom's POV

I was suddenly woken up by some shuffling sounds, I quickly sat up only to realize that I was on the couch. When I heard the noise again looked at the direction of were the noise came from. I saw Brian. "Mmm bri, where are you going?" I asked, he looked at me surprised then said "oh uh, I was uh, I was just going out" but he sounded really nervous,

"Brian? Where are you going?" I asked, I couldn't help it, my curiosity had gotten the best of me,

"I um, I-I'm going to the hospital" he said hesitantly, and that's when my worry turned into panic "what's wrong, a-are you okay?" I asked as I quickly got up off the couch and went towards him as fast as my own car when the nos kicks in.

"Uhh" Brian started to say, thinking it could buy him some time to think of a lie to tell.

"Brian, just tell me, whatever it is, just tell me" I said

"I-I, I um, I, I just need to check up on something, I wasn't feeling well last night and I just wanna see if everything's all good ya know" he replied,

"Okay, okay are you still feeling that way, the way you felt last night, cause I knew something was up. Are you still feeling that way?" I asked

"Um no, no I just wanna see what's up ya know" he said, but I felt like he was telling me the whole truth.

"I'm sorry I gotta go, I'll be back later okay, bye" Brian said and went towards the door but I stopped him as he was about to open it asking "wait do uh do you want me to come with you?"

"No" he said suddenly then relaxed "um I, I mean no, I got everything covered, it's not that bad, okay, I promise you everything is good okay, okay" he said to reassure me,

I grumbled "fine" when he smiled I said
"but call me if anything happens okay, I'll be right by my phone." Brian smirked and said "yeah okay" and left.

As I heard the engine of his car start and then fade away I couldn't help the worry that I was feeling, but rest to sure if Vince had anything to do with it I'll kick his fucking ungrateful ass.

Brian's POV
*At The Hospital*

Stress cardiomyopathy

Stress cardiomyopathy

Stress cardiomyopathy

Stress cardiomyopathy

That was all that was running through my head when the doctor said it, everything else he was saying now was muted to me until he said
"Mr. O'Connor what has me concerned is that your case seems very severe I mean I've never seen anything like it. If it were any worse which it doesn't seem far off to be I'd immediately put you on hospital rest."

I was stuck, i was trying to find the right words to say but I couldn't, I couldn't figure out what to say that could make it sound like I wasn't scared, like I wasn't fazed by this,

So I said what I wanted to say, what I wanted to know "uh could I um, could I die from this, by uh by how severe it is?"

"Uh no, not if you take it slow, rest and try to keep your heart rate down to a normal level, which means no extreme activity's okay." The doctor replied,

I nodded "okay, thank you doctor" I said as I got up off the chair,

"You're welcome Mr. O'Connor" she said as we shook hands goodbye.

When I got to my car and got in I let out a deep breath that I didn't realize that I was holding in, all throughout the ride home I couldn't get the words stress cardiomyopathy out of my head, how was I gonna tell Dom, Vince, my friends, and my family. I wanted to tell Dom but I was scared, I didn't know what to do.


When I got home after a long drive to clear my head I hesitated to get out of the car, after taking a deep breath I sighed and got out walking to the door, before I opened it I stopped hopping that no one was there in.

When I walked in I saw that no one was there, I sighed in relief, but the feeling didn't last long as I heard footsteps coming from upstairs.
As the person came downstairs I saw that it was Dom.

When Dom saw me he quickly walked towards me and asked "are you okay?" With a lot of concern in his voice, I wanted to tell him I really did, but I couldn't, instead I forced a smile on my face and nodded as I said "yeah, I'm fine" when the truth was buried deep inside starts tearing at me beging to tell him the truth.

Almost as if he sensed that I lied or that something was wrong he looked at me with sturn eyes and said "Brian tell me what's wrong, what's bothering you?" I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Bri it's okay, just tell me." He says in a calming soft voice "I-I" I stuttered

I sighed and said "I have-" but was interupted by a voice saying "hey bri, there you are" I look towards the stairs and saw Vince coming down them and walking towards me and Dom.

"You ready to go?" Vince asks, I nodded "yeah" Vince kissed my cheek then left saying he was gonna go get the car ready while I finish taking to Dom,

When the door closed Dom looked at me as to say 'go on' I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't, so instead I just closed my mouth, smiled and said "everything's fine, uh turns out I was just light headed, that's all" he looked at me confused and asked "are you sure" I put on a fake smile and said "yeah, I'm fine" and he must have bought the lie because he nodded and left going and sitting back on the couch and I left closing the door behind me.

When I got in the car Vince started driving to his friend's house for a party he was throwing, which was basically just an excuse to get drunk and have fun, well probably leaning more on the getting drunk part than the having fun part.

Little did I know, this was going to be one of the worst nights of my life.

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