Chapter: 2

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                           Third person POV

Brian woke up looking around seeing that he's still in the bathroom,

He slowly gets up letting the towel drop from his lap and got dressed in the clothes he brought when he wanted to shower,

Brian slowly got dressed and walked out of the bathroom slowly.

Brian walked down the stairs and slowly sat down on stool in the kitchen he let out a Shakey breath,

Brian was so deep in thought that he didn't hear dom coming down the stairs,

Brian was then brought out of his thoughts when a hand was on his shoulder, he jumped a little being startled then looked up to see that the hand belonged to Dom.

"you okay Bri?" Asked Dom with concern in his voice as well as the look on his face,

"Y-yeah 'm fine" brian said a little shaky,

Dom looked at him suspiciously then asked, "you sure?",

"Yeah" Brian nodded, But Dom could easily see the sadness in his friend's eyes and wondered what had happened to cause Brian to be upset.

"Okay" Dom said dropping the subject for now,

"Uh what do you want for breakfast?" Dom asked,

"Nothin 'm not hungry" Brian said looking down at his hands on the table,

"You sure Bri, it's unhealthy to skip a meal" Dom said looking at Brian,

Before Brian could answer a voice interrupted saying "ugh, morning",

That voice belonged to Vince, when he was down the final step he walked into the kitchen and walked towards Brian pulling him closer with one arm and kissed the of his head and whispered "morning babe",

After the kiss Brian hid his face in Vince's shoulder nuzzling his nose on Vince's neck when he was really wiping off a tear that had dropped out on his cheek,

Brian didn't notice that Dom walked to him and put his hand on his back rubbing it for comfort, "Bri?"

Brian gets startled "wh-wha-what?" Vince then leaves not caring anymore,

"you okay, kid?" Dom asks concerned for his friend,

Brian makes a shh noise and gets up and goes to the fridge for a beer.

"Want one?" Brian asks after taking a long swig. Dom nods, Brian gets out another Corona and pops the top off handing it to Dom and he sat back down at the table,

"What is going on with you?" Dom asks "everythings been so secretive with you lately O'Connor, first you don't tell me about you and Vince, then you just say you don't wanna eat without telling me why, what's going on Brian, you know you can tell me." Dom says,

"N-nothing" Brian said scared that Vince might hear them from the living room.

"Then why don't you tell me why your eye is black?" Dom asks,

"I-I slipped in the shower" Brian replied as a tear slipped from the pain he was in because of his bruised ribs,

Dom wipes the tear away and leans in to hug him "ouch! Shit!" Brian cries out in pain,

Dom pulls back and says "what is it?! What's wrong!?" Worried,

Brian just says "nothing" as more tears fall from the pain, Dom pulls Brian's shirt up a little and sees the bruises, "Brian" Dom says shocked,

Brian doesn't know what to say, he just looks at Dom with teary eyes and says "I can't eat cause it hurts to much, please don't make me." Then   adds "it was an accident, like I said, I fell"

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