Chapter: 1

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                                 Dom's POV
Okay so today was the day, today was the day I finally tell brian how I feel about him.

I walk up the stairs to Brian's room and open the door and I walked in, without knocking and there they were. Vince and Brian having what appeared to be playful sex.

Automatically I blurt out "oh shit", Brian seeing me says "oh shit" as well and Vince says "get the fuck out" at the same time.

I quickly say "sorry" and close the door leaving, as I walk down the stairs I start thinking about what I saw, I was down the stairs when I hear foot steps,

I turn around to see Vince half way down the stairs pulling up his pants and says
"Knock next time, asswipe!"

"You and Brian?" I ask, I wanted to say more but I couldn't, I couldn't find the strength to.

"for a bit now." Vince shrugs, and my heart just shatteres hearing that when I have been in love with Brian for a while now and was about to go and ask Brian out,

I shove the disappointed down and say
"well, my two best friends. That's awesome. Glad you two are happy." With a forced smile,

Vince let's out a laugh and pats me on the side of my arm and goes back upstairs and I hear him unzip his zipper as I head to the garage.

After I go to the garage I stay in there to avoid them. After I stay in there for about 4 hours I got hungry go to the kitchen to get something to eat.

As I was eating the sandwich I made I saw Brian about to walk it, when he walked in and saw me he walked out,

"come back bri" I say,

As he walked back in he leaned on the counter and there was a moment of silence until I finally spoke saying "I'm sorry I walked in, I should've knocked first"

Brian shakes his head and says "no it's fine we should've locked the door."

"Come on it's late and the races are tomorrow night so we need to check the car's all morning"
I said and we headed upstairs since Brian's room was the first door upstairs he turned to me and asked "so we good?", I smiled and slowly nodded "yea, we're good" he smiled and nodded "good, night man" "night" I replied,

As I went to my room I stopped at the door and looked at Brian's door with a sad look on my face, I sighed "should've been with me, brian" and go in my room.

*The Next Day*
                          Dom's POV

I woke up the next morning and went down stairs and started making breakfast,

Minutes later I see Jesse and Brian right behind him walking into the kitchen still half asleep, then Leon Tej and Ramsey then lastly Vince, I saw Brian tense a bit when he saw Vince downstairs,

Jesse must have noticed as well cause he asked "you okay dude?"

Brian nodded "yea dude I'm fine."

Then Vince walked towards Brian, sat next to him and kissed him on his forehead.

As I was making breakfast I see that everyone's talking expect Brian, who was just looking down at the table avoiding eye contact,

So I asked "why so quite? I'm making your favorite, French toast."

He turned to look at me smiled a small smile and said "sorry I'm just tired"

I nodded but some part of me didn't think it he was telling the truth, but I let it go for now and continued cooking wanting it to be good for him to enjoy since he looked like he was feeling down today,

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