Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

The heavy door of the dorm of the eighth-year boys of Slytherin swung open with a loud creak, revealing the dim-lit room of beds and bookcases. As soon as Ginny came back into the great hall without Harry, Draco knew something was up, and judging from Ginny's expression that's probably not a good thing. Before Draco could even comprehend what was happening, the door he had opened slammed shut aggressively, and it was clear the person in there didn't want to be seen. Draco sighed.

"Potter, get your arse out of there and let me get my stuff, I'm gonna be late for class!" Draco commanded. There was no response.

"Harry Potter, you had better let me in, if you don't I'll skin you alive!" Draco bellowed louder, getting impatient. There was a groan from the other side of the door, then the shuffling of feet and the creak of the door opening. Harry poked his head through the gap in the door and the wall, his usually glistening green eyes dull and emotionless. Draco's expression seemed to morph from one of irritation to one of concern, but Harry didn't notice. He was already on his way back to his bed, completely disregarding the blond boy in the doorway.

"Harry, are you okay?" Draco asked, trying not to show his concern. Harry flopped down onto his bed, sinking into the plush green bedspread. His face was drained of colour and expression as if he had just seen a ghost (which isn't strange at all in Hogwarts, but that's beside the point). Harry sighed heavily, gazing up at the ceiling as Draco began collecting his books and supplies for his first class.

"Ginny and I broke up." Harry blurted. Draco paused for a second, but continued as of he didn't care. Harry continued monotonously, ignoring the steely gaze on him.

"She didn't even give a clear explanation, or at least not one I could understand. She just said I seem really confused and frustrated after the war and I need to sort out my problems before everything can go back to normal. It just doesn't make sense! She was so cryptic, and it's pissing me off!" Draco just stood and blinked, overwhelmed by the sheer amount of word vomit that just came from Harry's mouth.

"Man, you sure do have a lot of problems..." Draco mumbled as he searched for something in his bedside table. Harry just glared at him. Harry opened his mouth to speak when he felt a cold sensation on his hand. He froze, unsure of what it was. A chill progressed up Harry's arm as he slowly sat up, the chilling feeling winding around his forearm between his shirt and outer robes.

"Harry, are you ok?" Draco questioned, glancing in Harry's direction before his eyes widened in shock. Running over to the other side of the room Draco looked fearful, but also a little bit... relieved?

"Don't move, you might scare her," Draco cautioned, moving closer to an extremely confused Harry.

"Her? Malfoy, what the fuck is on my arm?!"

"Calm down, it's just a snake!"

"A SNAKE??!" Harry shrieked, earning a perplexed look from the blond boy who was now reaching for his arm. In one swift move, Draco took Harry's arm and moved his hand up Harry's sleeve, removing the long, scaly creature that had caused Harry's slight frenzy. That dreaded creature wrapped itself instinctively around Draco's shoulders, and it calmed Harry down a little bit to see it was friendly.

"Meet Sage, my pet albino Burmese Python! I got her in Diagon Alley during the summer. She's pretty cute, isn't she Potter?" Draco suggested with a smile, before realising Harry was more interested in not being suffocated by said python. "Harry, are you listening to me?"

"No, I'm more worried about the 5-foot long python sliding its way around your body ready to squeeze you to death!" Harry exclaimed, and Draco just chuckled.

"Not so brave now are you, Potter? She's been gone for weeks, I guess I was just surprised to see her again. Well, I should really get going, Blaise is probably waiting for me. You should get going too, I don't think McGonagall will be very happy with you if you're late. See ya."

And with that Draco left, leaving Harry alone in the room with a 5-foot long baby albino Burmese Python. Its scaly, almost spiky, cream-coloured body was twirled around the post of Draco's four-poster bed across the room. The snake's beady red eyes pierced into Harry much like Draco's did, and Harry finally became aware of the uncanny resemblance between the two. The smooth, spine-like scales of the deadly creature were almost the exact colour of Draco's hair, and although its glowing, crimson eyes weren't at all similar to Draco's shimmering silver eyes, they were just as harsh and piercing.

Harry gulped as Sage wound around Draco's bedpost before slithering down to the black tile floor and out the door.


Published: 28/2/2019 5:50 pm

Word count: 811

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