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Wow! *Deep breath* I can't believe that's it! The story is done! I have worked so hard on this since around May (If I remember correctly). As I'm writing this author's note, this story has around 16k views and over 800 votes. I'm in such shock and I want to thank each and every one of my readers! Thank you all for every read, vote, and comment! I love you all so much! I'm so sad that this story is over, though I feel accomplished for finishing it, and it pains me to say goodbye to my characters whom I created. As a final 'chapter' in this story I open the floor to you, my readers. Feel free to ask any question about anything to either myself, Luke, Rose, or Jake. After I get a group of questions I will add another chapter that answers all those questions from all our perspectives. Thank you all so much, you are the best! I love you all so much!

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