Chapter 121

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Luke threw his arms up in the air in triumph as his team carried him around the court. He had won! He beat Jake! He would be captain! This was the best day of his life! After his team made a full rotation of the court he got down from their shoulders where they had been parading him around. He landed on the ground and noticed the crowd that had raced out to embrace his team. Then his eyes locked with a girl in the front of the crowd. 

She had long, wavy blonde hair, had bright green eyes, and was very tall. Though, Luke noted, she was not quite as tall as him. She seemed vaugley familiar. She noticed him staring at her and blushed and looked away. Intrigued, Luke stepped forward. 

The girl looked back up at him, pushed her hair out of her face, and smiled. Luke grinned back and stuck out his hand. "Hi, I'm Luke." 

The girl blushed again and fidgeted with her blue tank-top. "I'm Rose." She murmmered, not meeting his gaze. 

Luke let his hand drop. "Rose?" He asked, suddenly realizing how he recognized her; he had seen her at all the basketball games last season, supporting Jake. 

Rose looked back up at him. "Yeah, its me, Leia." Luke's mouth dropped, this was not the Rose he had expected; he had imagined someone, someone, well someone less beautiful. Not like he was complaining. 

"Princess Leia," He grinned and dropped into a bow. He looked back up at her pink cheeks, flushed with embarrassment, and stood back up. "Would her highness like to join me for a delectable meal of hotdogs and nachos?" He smirked at her. 

"Sounds perfect." She smiled again as she started walking towards the snack booth. 

Luke hurried to catch up with her. "So what did you think of the game, Rose?" He asked, relishing saying her name.

She turned her intense gaze on him, "I thought you were amazing... er I mean the team was amazing. You guys played a great game." She blushed again. 

Luke bumped into her jokingly. "I was pretty incredible, wasn't I?" He teased.

He waited for a painfully long moment, hoping she was not going to continue to be embarrassed by him. 

"Hmm, you weren't that terrible." She said with some more confidence, smirking at him. 

Relieved, he put his hands over his heart. "My Juliet knows how to stab me with her words."

"My Romeo is easily offended." Rose played along. 

"What did you call me?" Luke teased.

"You're impossible!" Rose snorted. 

"I'm still waiting for an answer." Luke tapped his foot, pretending to be impatient. 

Rose rolled her eyes and tried to hold back her grin.

"Ahem." Luke coughed. "I'm waiting and I will keep waiting until I get an answer out of you." He stepped forward so he was nose-to-nose with her. 

Rose looked fascinatedly at the wall behind him. 

Luke leaned forward, bringing his face even closer to hers. Then he procceeded to...

...tickle her.

"Stop! Stop!" Rose gasped. 

Luke waited with a smirk on his face.

"I called you 'my Romeo'. Happy now?" She demanded as she put her hands on her hips.

"Hmm. Very." He grinned. "Our feast awaits." He dramatically gestured towards the snack bar. 

"Well let's go eat then." She smiled. 

After they had gotten their food, they claimed one of the bleachers in the now mostly empty gym. Luke started to devoure his hotdog until he noticed Rose was laughing. "What's so funny?" He asked around a mouthful of food. 

"Nothing." Rose smirked and popped a nacho into her mouth. 

Luke shrugged and turned his attention back to eating until he heard Rose snort again. "What is it?" He demanded. 

"It's... nothing." She could hardly contain her laughter. 

Luke looked all around him, there was no one nearby. "What did I do?" He asked again.

"It's just... Well it's just the way you eat." She pointed to the food, or what was left of it. 

Luke realized his mistake; incidentally he had consumed both his and her hotdog as well as all of his nachos and most of hers. He looked at his empty soda cup in relief, he was pretty confident he had not drunken hers as well. "Well at least..." He pointed to her soda cup. 

She put her hand over her mouth to stiffle her laughter. "I did didn't I." He groaned as she held up her empty drink in answer. "I'm so sorry." It was his turn to blush.

"Don't be," Rose responded with a reassuring smile, "I wasn't really hungry anyways." 

"Yeah, Rose is never hungry." A deep voice responded. 

Luke glared as Jake swung himself onto the bleachers right next to Rose. He dropped his arm around her shoulders. "She barley eats anything." Jake grinned. 

Rose glared at him and manuvered herself out of his embrace. "Go away, Jake." She ordered. 

"You heard her." Luke added. "No one wants you here." He tried to sound as tough as possible. 

"Chill, 'lil Luke. I'm not going to impede on your date," he snorted at the word, "much longer."

"Good." Luke met Jake's intimidating stare. 

"Yeah," Jake continued slowly, emphasizing each word, "it won't be a date much longer." He grinned.

Luke stood up. "What do you mean?" He snarled.

"I mean, I made a promise and I intend to keep it. Only, because I like you 'lil Luke I'll cut you some slack. I'm gonna give Rose here a choice."

"What are you up to, Jake?" Rose narrowed her eyes. 

"It's simple really. Either you continue to hang out with him, in which case I beat him up and get him kicked off the basketball team, or you walk away right now, never hang out with him again, and he can stay on the team. I think I've made it quite easy. I mean you two don't even know each other."

A/N: Again sorry for any grammer or spelling mistakes, I will edit later. What do you guys think Rose will chose? Thanks for reading this, I love all you guys!

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