Double Doomsday

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It was a beautiful summer day, Sonic and Hina are waiting in line at the cashier's counter in meh burger. "Man, I am starving! Next exit: Munchytown. Population: us." Sonic smiled as Hina nodded her head in agreement.

Just as the pair walks up to the cashier, Dr. Eggman cuts right in front of them immediately.

"Hey, no cutsies! I was here first!"

"No way, Egghead! We've been waiting!"

"Um, I believe the barrel-chested gentleman with the luxuriant mustache was first." Dave the intern says as Sonic was furious. "What? Are you serious?"

"Let's just go Sonic." Hina tugs his arm as she rolls her eyes. Eggman laughs. "That's how we do it! Score one for Eggman." He starts dancing in victory as the pair look at him unimpressed. "Just gotta flash the 'stache."

Later, Sonic and Hina are waiting for their food, glaring at Eggman who already has his food. "Mmm, now that's good! How's yours over there? Oh, right. Yours isn't ready yet. Should have been faster, Sonic!" Eggman laughs evilly.

"What a jerk..." Hina mutters. Dave carries a tray to their table. "Okay, here we are. Two double Meh Burgers with extra pickles."

"I said no pickles." Sonic says. This made Eggman laugh. "Oh, this is just the best day ever!" He continues eating the burger and then interrupted by Dave. "I'm Dave, big fan of yours, sir. I've study all of your attacks, the Bee Bot gambit, the lair gambit, the gambit gambit."

"Aw yes, that one was doubly risky. I like the cut of your jib. How'd you like to be my unpaid intern?"

"It'd be an honour to work for you without pay."

"Did I mention I like you jib-cut-wise?" Eggman added. With that, he took him to his lair.

"Wow! I'm really here! Where do I start?"

"Even though you're only an intern, there's an important job that I can't trust Orbot and Cubot to do." He hands Dave a mop. "Mop the bathroom."

"Mop the bathroom!? Wow! Back at Meh Burger I'd have to be a manager to do that." Dave says happily as he runs off. "You two could learn a thing or two from this kid." Eggman told Orbot and Cubot.

The two bots spy on Dave all day. "This new intern worries my circuit, I fear that his enthusiasm for the most menial tasks causes us to appear inferior by comparison." Orbot sighs.

"Yeah, he's making us look bad too. He does more sucking up than my cousin, Suzanne, and she's a vacuum." Cubot agreed as they "walk" away. Not knowing that Dave is secretly listening to Orbot and Cubot's complaints.

Meanwhile, Orbot is looking for Cubot in the dark. "Cubot are you there?" He turns on his flashlights. "My word..."

A local trapdoor is dripping oil on the outside with a rope attached. Orbot pulls on the rope and the trapdoor opens as pieces fall out. Orbot screams. It was shown to be Cubot. He screams again.

Eggman was enjoying his relaxation while his intern was busy scrubbing. "I could build a robot to do this but there's just something about unpaid labor that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside."

Dave comes upon Eggman's old Doomsday Device while cleaning. "What's this?"

"Oh, yes my old Doomsday Device."

"It's magnificent. I bet it could destroy a hundred worlds."

"Well, maybe not a hundred, but if I connected that power supply... a one definitely!" Eggman smirks as Orbot carries a mangled Cubot. "Dr. Eggman sir, it's Cubot he's been disassembled."

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