Can an Evil Genuis Crash on Your Couch for a Few Days

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It was a stormy night, Sonic and Tails were sleeping soundly on their respected beds in Tails' house. Soon a knock came to the door, making Sonic toss in his sleep, soon, it turned into banging. Sonic held his head. "Man!"

He rushed over to the door and opening it, revealing Eggman with a soaking trench coat on. "Hi."

"What do you want?"

"First of all, thank you for answering the door at such a late hour. I realize what an inconvenience this must be..."

"Get to it, Eggface." Sonic sighed. "Well, I... I uh... I need your help."

Sonic raised his brow. "You need my help?"

"Yes. My sinister Island lair, the ultra-high-tech stronghold where I hatch my schemes to eliminate you, it was destroyed in the storm. I was hoping I could crash with you and Tails for a few days until my robots rebuild it. Please, don't strand me in this wilderness."

"You certainly could use a roof over your head." Sonic soon sniffed the human. "And a bath. But how do I know you won't just capture me and Tails while we're sleeping?"

"I swear not to harm you or your fox friend during my stay. I didn't even bring any weapons. Here, check my pants." Eggman rose up against his coat a bit, Sonic covered his eyes. "No, no, no, it's ok. I believe you. So, it's only for a few days and it's just only you?"

"Just me." Sonic pointed to inside the house, looking at the red and yellow robots behind him. "And Orbot and Cubot. They're family." Sonic slammed the door, groaning.

The next day, Sonic yawned as he opened the door for Amy, Hina, Sticks, and Knuckles. They all look at Eggman shocked as he stretched.

"Eggman?!" Knuckles growled as they all got into fighting positions. "Oh, hey gang! Didn't know you'd be visiting so early. I'm still in my evil pajamas. They have a trap door in the back."

"Sonic, Explanation, now," Hina said, not looking at the hedgehog, only at Eggman. "We have a truce. Tails is letting him stay here till his lair is rebuilt." Sonic said, looking at the female fox.

"Still waiting on that salmon eggs Benedict."

"Coming. Coming." Tails rose the plate up as the group looked behind them. Tails brought the plate to Eggman, looking tired. Eggman looked at the plate, pointing at it. "I asked for egg whites. These are yellows! See the yellow? I'm trying to watch my cholesterol. And this salmon is farm-raised. What is this, prison?" Sonic growled, turning back. "No one talks to my brother like a maid you f-" Hina covered up his mouth as he started to swear at the man.

"It's all some evil plot, man. First, he lures us in with some terrible roommate ploy, but then wham, outcomes this 50-foot obliterator bot that...obliterates is all." Sticks said whole shaking Knuckles. "We gotta get outta here." Sticks finished.

"Guys, we have to help him. If we don't, we'll be no better than he is." Amy said sadly.

"I'm still on the fence. He's done some bad stuff in the past. Remember Sonic? 1992?" Hina raised an eyebrow as Sonic shuddered and nodded. Eggman quickly spoke up. "But yeah! You'll be no better than I am!"

"Think about how this is for him." Amy started as she walked towards Eggman. "Do you feel scared without a home? Do you feel alone? Are you eating your feelings"

"Somebody get her away from me."

"Guys, if Eggman needs to stay, he can stay." Tails said while washing the dishes. "Who knows, he might not be so bad after all."

Hina looked at Eggman smiling, thought for a moment, then smiled at the fox. "Then I'm staying too. I'll help you out, Captain! Full steam ahead!" Sonic nodded. "Same here." Tails nodded at this and smiled. "Thanks, Guys."

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