Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


It was about two in the morning when Alex woke up. He looked over and saw Jessi in the chair she pulled up next to the bed. Her hand was still holding his. Her head was laying against the edge of the bed. Her golden hair was pulled back to the side of her face.

Alex smile at Jessi, ‘She looks so cute when she sleeps’ Alex thought. He moved over and kissed Jessi on the top of her head. He snuggled back under the cover, still holding Jessi’s hand, and went back to sleep.


Jessi’s eyes fluttered open. Light flooded in from the bedroom window. She slowly lifted her head up off the edge of the bed. she had only laid down for a few minutes and had fallen asleep. She lifted her hands up to her head to stretch. She suddenly realized that she wasn’t holding Alex’s hand anymore. He wasn’t there.

Jessi flung her chair back where she got it and ran to the kitchen. Alex wasn’t in there either. ‘Where is he!!!’ Jessi started to panic. SHe looked over at the table. There was no food set out, it was nice and neatly set though. She looked out the window. There was a figure standing behind a tree. She couldn’t tell if it was Alex or an animal. Jessi made sure her face was hidden, just incase it was an animal. She watched as the figure started to come into the light. A man stood by a big pine tree. He looked from left to right, making sure there was nothing there. On the left side of his head, there was a big gash. There was dried blood down the side of his face and down his neck. His hair was light brown. He had on a uniform. He was looking at something, Jessi thought it was her. She looked where he was looking. There was something near the house.

‘Oh no’ Jessi thought. She backed away from the window, still making sure she wasn’t seen, she went over to the fireplace where her bow was. Jessi put her bow over her shoulder, clipped her quiver to her side, then went back to window. The man was picking up his gun that was there. He walked over and looked into the window. Jessi crouched to the floor. The man looked from left to right. Jessi froze.

‘What am i going to do?!?’ She thought as the man left the window. Jessi got up and sighed in relief. The door opened with a loud creek. ‘Is that Alex, or the man?’ Jessi slid under the table where the tablecloth would hide her. She heard the sound of feet on the floor, getting loude

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