Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“Jessi. Jessi. Wake up sunshine it’s morning. We have things to do and not a lot of stuff to see.” Jessi opened her eyes to find Alex sitting on the edge of her bed.

“When did I fall asleep? How did I get in bed?” Jessi asked as she rubbed her eyes tiredly.

“You fell asleep after you hugged me. You really must have been tired.” Alex’s eyes shined bright green as he looked out the window.

“So I just carried you back in here to your bed and I slept on the floor. By the way, I took one of your pillows. Hope you don’t mind.” Alex turned to smile at Jessi, who laughed at him.

“I don’t mind at all.” Jessi propped herself up on her elbows.

“ What are we doing today, because I didn’t know there was stuff to be done.” Alex hopped off of Jessi’s bed and stood in front of her.

“Well, I have to fix your potter’s wheel so I can make a cup for you. And i have to tell you what that thing I did yesterday is called.” Alex leaned forward and kissed Jessi. This time Jessi just enjoyed Alex’s kiss. His lips were soft and sweet, like candy.

“ That is called a kiss.” Alex said as he pulled away. Jessi smiled and got out of her bed. She walked into the bathroom, and looked in the mirror to find her hair all puffed up around her. She shrugged and started to brush the massive puff down.

While Jessi was in the bathroom, Alex had made her breakfast. He had gone out, while Jessi was sleeping, and had found a bee’s nest full of honey. He brought it in and made some bread to put the honey on. He had also saved some of the elk they had for dinner to make bacon for breakfast too.

Jessi walked out of the bathroom, hair tamed and ready for the day. She put on a green sweatshirt, jeans, and army boots on to go outside and work on the stuff outside. She walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat. To her surprise, there was a whole table full of things to eat. Alex stood on the other side of the table, hands in his pockets, smiling as Jessi went to sit down.

“Do you like it?” Alex asked as he pushed in the chair for Jessi.

“Where did you get all this stuff? What is the golden stuff in that jar?” Jessi questioned as she picked up the jar of honey to look at. She tipped it upside down and watched it slowly go to the lid.

“That,” Alex took the jar from Jessi, turning it right side up.

“Is honey. Do you know what that is? It taste amazing.” He had opened the jar and started to put the honey on a piece of bread for Jessi to eat.

“I have no idea what honey is.” Jessi watched Alex as he smeared the honey on the bread and give it to her.

“Now eat it. I want to see the look on your face when you do.” Alex watched as Jessi slowly put the piece of bread to her mouth. She closed her eyes and slipped it in. The taste was sensational. It was sweet and not too sweet for her. Jessi opened her eyes and looked at Alex.

“Now that,” Jessi took the jar of honey off the table and grabbed a piece of bread.

“Is Amazing! Where did you get it?” She looked up at Alex.

“From that bee’s nest over there.” He pointed out to a tree with a little hole in it where there were bees flying in and out of.

“I didn’t know bees could do that.” Jessi exclaimed. Alex laughed and took a piece of elk bacon. It crunched in his mouth, just the way he liked it.

“Did that come from the elk?” Jessi asked as she picked up a piece of bacon.

“yes. It’s called bacon. You’ll like that too.” Alex answered as he watched her take a bit.

“How do you make such good things to eat?” Jessi questioned. Alex chuckled and looked at the floor.

“I use to help my mom in her restaurant when she was still alive.” Jessi saw a tear stream down his face.

“Alex, I’m so sorry about your mom what happened to her?” She looked at Alex for the answer, but all he could do was look out the window. After a few minutes Alex replied.

“Some of the people who worked for the enemy, came into our restaurant. My mom went to go take their order when they sat down. When she reached the table, they shot her in her head and went to the kitchen where my sisters and I were.” His voice quivered as he remembered what had happened.

“I had seen what had happened and tried to get my sisters out before they came in, but they wouldn’t listen. They wanted to wait for my mom to come in and have her take them.” Alex face was to the window, but Jessi know he was crying. she felt so bad for asking what had happened.

“When the door opened in the kitchen, my sisters ran to it because they thought it was our mom. I didn’t see them get shot, but I heard it. Two shots for two girls.” Alex got up from his chair. He went to the sink and looked out the window. His eyes were swollen from crying, his throat was too. He had tear streaks down his cheeks.

Jessi walked up behind Alex. She wanted him to be happy, like he usually was. It hurt her so much to see him sad.

“Alex,” Jessi put a hand on his shoulder, “I didn’t think that it was like that, I never thought that people could be so cruel. Do you even know why they did that?” Alex put his hands on the edge of the counter. He turned his head and locked eyes with Jessi.

“They came because they knew that my dad was working in the army. i guess they thought he was a major threat to them, so they tried to kill my family off.” Alex swallowed and went back to looking out the window. He was trying to clear his from the memories that were trying to make there way inside his head.

“You don’t look so good Alex. Maybe you should lay down.” Jessi’s voice rang in his ear, but he wouldn’t respond. All he could do was stay put and stare out the window onto the clouds.

“Alex. Are you ok?” The ringing of her voice came back, but Alex’s body wouldn’t let him respond to her.

Jessi started to worry. Was he going through something? Should she leave him alone for a little while? She looked at Alex again. He was shaking. There was definitely something wrong.

“Alex, will you come with me please. I think you are seeing too much of your past.” Jessi thought that he was going shock.

“Please Alex. I really need you to lay down and rest. You will be all better later.” She started to pull on Alex’s arm when he fell to the floor. His arms and legs were flailing around.  Jessi started to panic then remember what her dad had done when this happened years ago.

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