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After all of that, we began to talk again, not knowing that I was checking if she had done something rash. From the looks of it, she hasn't posted anything "out-there," so she's in the clear. (I think.) The last few weeks of summer vacation we're coming to an end, so I was pre-gaming for school. After all, it's going to be my last summer vacation without any worries, so you know I just had to stay up extremely late every night. And, with my lady on my side, every night is a great night. (She wasn't at my house or anything, but we communicated through Instagram messenger.)

Oh yeah... During the transition of her new account, she made a Snapchat account as well, but she really didn't use it a lot at the time, because her phone wasn't the most well-powered one out there, but hey, she has one!

Also, on the end of school of my Junior year, it was my girlfriend's birthday, and they threw a party for her. She wore a beautiful dress to begin with. It was a white dress that made her look like a literal angel. Her party had a bounce house, which fits the "little" agenda, and she had a lot of family and friends over. She even let me invite some of my friends as well! However, even she herself concluded, she has a lot of guy friends.

Oh! One more thing! I went to her house more often, and I thought she would want to come over someday, but as summer break ended, she never went over, because of her mom. I'm skeptical if it really is because of her mom...

Senior year, the time of your life that the media likes to over-popularize. Which is also the year that I have not seen the future of. I envision myself in college, but not myself as a senior. Weird.

I went into school, and thought to myself that basketball was not for me one bit, so I quit it. Not because I just wanted to quit out of the blue, but because of many reasons. One being that I will take dual classes, which will make me have less focus on class work and perform worse due to stress. Second reason being that I had no desire to continue playing, because I always had the mentality of "when is practice over" or "hurry up clock, I just want to get out of here." Third reason being that I wouldn't even keep up with the amount of skill the team has. I was WAY behind in the skill scale. The coaches and playing time had absolutely nothing to do with the decision of quitting. With that in mind, I had to take something to make up with the missing sport, but also see my girlfriend the most that I could before I leave.

I decided that I should do props for the band people! At the time, it seemed like a legitimate alternative. According to my girlfriend, that position I help get things in and out. Seems easy, and also, I can see my girl! Although, she missed something crucial. I would have to perform by moving these huge posters.

Needless to say, it sucked. I was out after the first week, and found something else to fill in the gap once more.

I am just a forgetful one now am I? My basketball coach asked me if I really wanted out of the basketball thing. I said yes while I wept. The counselor then talked to me about something else to still be in the basketball program. I'm a manager for the team now after the talk.

I missed this one too? These are crucial pieces of information! On our way to the football game, my girlfriend and I sat by each other in a charter bus. (Charter busses? For band? Why can't the athletes, you know the people actually PLAYING the sport, get them? And they still wanted MORE! Spoiled brats.) We put our stuff down, and I bursted out sobbing. She wanted to know what was wrong. I told her that I really want out of the prop program, but I said to her, "How will I see you then? I want to see you as much as I can before I leave!" She then said, "We can still see each other," and later on, she said this, "there are other ways we can see each other." Thus, giving me an idea.

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