Knights of Disney

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You were fairly certain that you were in the wrong place. The feeling could have been chalked up to first day nerves of course. Technically, it was your orientation day for your new job at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. It took you three months to get accepted into the College Internship Program here at Disney, but you made it through and now here you were.

Sitting in a crowded room.

Feeling completely and totally out of place.

You felt fine this morning on the bus to the casting building with your new roommates, but now that bubbly excitement in your gut had fizzled away to confusion. You let your eyes glance around the painfully quiet room. There had to be over a hundred people in the room altogether, yet no one spoke a word. They all sat at their tables, minding their own business, wearing shades of black and gray professional wear. That was another reason you felt out of place. Whereas everyone here wore monotone professional clothes, you were wearing a bright red dress with business heels and a white blazer.

Once again, you had fit in this morning with the others on the bus, but now you stood out like a sore thumb. You shifted awkwardly in your seat and glanced over to the girl on your left. She wore a business suit and she began to slowly sink in her chair as if she could feel your gaze and was mentally trying to slip under the table to avoid you.

You quickly turned to your right and spoke up, “This is a Disney Orientation meeting right? I didn’t like walk in on a funeral?”

The girl on your right stared at you without speaking a word. Her face held the emotion of confusion and distaste. She was probably a couple years older than you, and she definitely acted as if she were better than you. You were hardly surprised when she turned away from you with a roll of her eyes.

“Alrighty then.” You mumbled under your breath and released a small sigh. You glanced down at the paper in front of you one last time. It was a small white printout of your name, orientation number, and arrival date. When you first got to the building you were hoping that you’d have the same orientation class as your roommates, but that was quickly shot to hell when you were dragged away from them after giving your fingerprints for a background check. At least you’d get to see them for lunch.

The sound of a door opening startled you and you straightened in your seat to see what was going on. At the very far end of the room, a man walked through the doors and stopped at a small glass podium. He cleared his throat before speaking into the microphone in front of him, “Good morning.”

“Good morning, sir.” The entire room chanted in unison.

You narrowed your eyes. Maybe it hadn’t been a funeral you walked into, but rather some form of Disney cult.

“I’m very proud to see you are all here and have made it thus far.” The man continued to speak. You were too far away to make out details of his appearance, but you knew he had dark hair and a boring suit on. “This is the final step of your training, and I am positive you will all do to the best of your ability.”

“Final step…?” You mumbled. This was your very first day here, you seriously doubted you were supposed to be on the final step. An employee must have noticed your confusion, or had decided to finally check on the crazy girl in the bright dress, because you were approached by a woman in formal attire while the man continued to speak.

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