The Future Present and the Present Past

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11th October, 3018.

 8:05 am.

"Aiden, Wake up! You're already late for work" said Skyler rushing back to the dining table to get the breakfast ready for me. I told her i was coming as i rushed from the bedroom buttoning my shirt as fast as i could. "You're late for the third time in a row now, won't they get angry for you being late again ?" she asked me with those innocent eyes and busy hands plating up eggs benedict. "Um, its not like they can cut my salary or something like they used to in the ancient times, i'm working because I like it and they can't force me to work. Even you know that" I said to her cramming big pieces of egg into my mouth so I could get to work ASAP.

Having my breakfast, I left for work. Kissing her goodbye felt different today. I don't know why but, it was unusual. I felt weird. Anyways i had to reach the site at 8:30. Today we had to dig up an ancient civilization as usual. It still is a mystery why the civilization of the 2000s had collapsed. We had such less knowledge about them. We knew about the day to day activities of the regular people because we keep finding diaries, journals, memory cards, pendrives in readable conditions and we try to find as much data as possible about them. Well today was the same too, but today we had to dig up in a Level 3 site, which means that the objects we may find may be classified, so we had to submit it to the CAD, i.e the Central Administrative Division, without reading or accessing it in any way.

"Aiden, let's go. We've got alot of work to do today. There may be four to five houses down there. Who knows what maybe hidden down there" said my partner Jules, as he gave me the dig-kit. I got ready as fast as i could, because i was excited to know more about where we come from. The foundation team had dug up 10 feet down. The rest had to be done by us. We went in, digging more and more, in hope to find more about the tech-age. "I hit something!" i shouted to Jules. He came to me with sweat pouring down his cheeks, his hair all wet and face brown with the dirt we were working in, for the past 5 hours. "Let's go in" he said to me as he cleared the dirt off the object i had hit. It was the roof of an underlying house. We didn't want the roof to collapse as we hoped that the roof may have taken the pressure of the dirt and we may some-what have a clear pathway if we went through the door. So we dug around to find the door. We were there. This was it, another hopeful answer to the question of our existence. "I don't think we should get in now, lets tow this out. We don't know whats inside. I'm gonna call them and get the truck to take the house out." Jules said as he sensed something about the house. I sensed it too.

We brought it out. "Alright let's open the door" i said to myself, and asked Jules to come with me to the door. I turned the knob, listening to the crackling of the door, I peeped inside and all I saw was old wooden furniture, a giant TV, glass pieces laying around. Everything was broken, destroyed. We stepped in with caution as there was too much glass on the floor. I saw another door, maybe it was the bedroom. I walk to the door and the knob wouldn't turn. I kicked the door down, it was the bedroom. The walls were beige, the room had a warmth to itself. There was a broken crib laying around. The bed was some-what recognizable. There was a book lying around the floor. I knew this was a Level 3 site, but i couldn't resist. I took the book and put it inside my jacket. I couldn't wait to read it.

10:38 pm

"Let's sleep now Ed, I know you must be tired after how much you've worked today" said Sky and kissed me on my forehead. I was not ready to sleep at all. All i was thinking about was the book i got today, and i needed to read those. "Actually i need to do some research for tomorrow's report about the dig-up today, so i have to read for some time. Why don't you go to bed, I'll join you later." i said to her and kissed her goodnignt. I grabbed the book off the shelf, and sat in the balcony with so much excitement inside of me that my hands were shivering. This was the first time I had my hands on something from Level 3. Others did not care much about knowing what had happened, but i don't know why, i feel the need to know what happened. So i opened the book.

It was a diary, kind of. It said "My Dream Journal -  Matt Pierce".

        I know this may sound weird, but lately I've been having dreams of the same stuff which happens daily, but not everything is same. Hell, almost nothing is same, but much of it is same. Ugh, I can't explain it to you. I dream about the life where i have a daughter named June. She doesn't exist in the real life,because Alice never got pregnant. The president of our country is someone called Obama. There has been no Obama or whatever person, there hasn't been a black president yet. I don't know why i' m dreaming of a black president, and a daughter. In my dreams, my brother used to work for the army and was killed in a war with Afghanistan. My brother is a Police Officer, not a marine. This stuff is messing with me. I don't know whats real anymore. This is what I dreamt today

I'm walking down the stairs at my home when i listen to a baby cry. Alice comes with the baby and says " Look father, little June wants to play with you". I take her into my arms and she stops crying.

You know what is messed up? I could feel it. I felt her warmth. I felt the baby that didn't exist! Something was not right.

I was walking outside and i was going to work. I wasn't an astronomer like i am now. I was a security something i suppose. I think i used to guard the president. A black president named Obama. Barack Obama. Well i reached the White House. Then i was going inside the Presidential Office. Trust me, I hadn't seen the office in real life, but i saw it in detail in the dream. He was sitting there, he called me and said to me " I am in danger, you need to keep your team ready. Today's speech may be the last speech i give. I've argued with the wrong people." I said " You don't have to worry sir, I will have a thousand men to protect you. Nobody can even aim at you when you're out there giving your speech". We left the office and there was nobody but us. I asked " Where is everybody else?". He whispered " The Rulers got everyone. I did not want anyone to see me die, but i wanted you to see who killed me. They won't kill you. They've got principles. They have everyone sedated and locked down. They will only kill me. Go on inside the surveillance room and take a very good look at the people who are down there. You do not want to forget their faces, trust me." I needed to make sure i see them, and so I did. I went into the surveilance room and i saw them. They were taller, like 7 to 8 feet. All of them were in black suits and aviator glasses. It was like a cool version of Men In Black. They killed him, no mercy, no guilt, not even a blink. They were either too confident that they knew what they were doing, or they had done this before too. It felt like they had rehearsed this for years. 

The diary was nothing that i expected. This was some serious shit. The Rulers? Dreams about altered reality? What was going on? Was this Matt person paranoid or was something really happening with him? I guess I'd know only when i read more.

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