eyes of knives, you pierce me!

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beware of katsuki bakugou for that boy's a wild card, he crushed the halos of tear-soaked cheeked angels between his diamond cut teeth ( drowned their screams out with his when i'm fucking high playlist blaring till the bass rattled his damn bones ) cause the boy is just that unpredictable. he's a fault in the system, a spark that's raging into a merciless inferno that'll scorch empires to ruins before you know it, leaving nothing but crimson skies–the heavens burst open like dead stars and now the gods are weeping–and the charred skulls & bones of the forsaken behind.

beware of that boy who is truly a god.

a slim gold crucifix hung sinfully from his lips ( a chain his sunday school teacher tied round his neck like a noose cause she swore she saw the devil lingering behind his vermillion eyes ) like the freshly rolled joint that was placed between them while he was perched upon the grimy bathroom sink, the lights from the flickering street lamps glided through the window slits, dousing his body in an orange haze. he was radiant, a brilliant flame which mortals foolishly yet adoringly flocked to ( watch them burn ).

katsuki was in a good place, mind lingering upon unlocked galaxies: he wasn't thinking about the mountain of assignments awaiting for him at home, or the time of his next hero patrol, or even how he had a two hour seminar only a couple hours away. he let all of it go in a huff, depended on the weed to do its job and let him escape for a while.

but as he now walked upon the wet asphalts in the lonely hours of the night, the brisk breeze slapped away his long deserved high and scratched at his cheeks till they flushed red, the tip of his nose tinted red too. neon signs littered overhead, lighting up the starry night sky with promises of strong booze & cheap sex; he could hear the distant sizzling of hot barbecue grills and the crunch of breaking bones from drunker fights, bloody noses and bruised knuckles. lovers ( or at least they seemed like it cause they cradled each other with frail arms like lovesick teens vowing to intertwine their damned souls for an eternity, little do they know, it's only for a night ) stumbled out from dingy motels with tearful laughs, drunk on the moon.

his strides were lazy, seeming to ignore the stream of messages on his phone screen that glared back at him. venus had a way with words, not the raw poetry that slipped from her lips like milk & honey which he would never admit was actually fucking sex to his ears, but rather her strangely colorful language that mimicked him in a way as she expressed herself using rather vulgar terms. she was an impatient woman, reminding him how her time was money and yet it was always her calling him. he wasn't surprised to see a pout on her lips as he entered the bar, her freshly painted nails circling round the rim of the glass in a dazed manner, his eyes took notice of her drink as he asked for another and a beer for himself at the counter before approaching the booth she sat in.

venus quickly noticed him, after all katsuki had this way with him that demanded instant attention, and her brows furrowed in aggravation despite him placing down another glass of gin & juice in front her.

"so you finally freaking showed up."

the place reeked of heartache, it hung in the air like the stench of rotting animals, especially over the head of the man who seemed to be quietly sobbing at the bar counter as he downed his fifth beer bottle.

"i had shit to do." his tone made it appear like he actually had important plans, but she could see the red streaks like lightening in the white parts of his eyes and the scent of weed lingered on him.

"you hotboxed without me?"

"no, that damn pikachu dragged me to go out with him then he fucking snaked, i smoked up in the bathroom."

"by yourself? that's just depressing. maybe if checked your phone like a normal functioning person, your sad self wouldn't of been so lonely."

his eyes darted to hers at that while he shrugged off his red bomber jacket, "will you quit being snarky for once?" and his eyes did that thing, that thing where he looked at her from head to toe in such a scrutinizing manner and venus igarashi felt like she was on his fire, cause his eyes were knives embedding themselves beneath her dark skin and pulling it back to toy with her flaws and all that she longed to keep hidden away from this lawless world.

but not katsuki, no, never him. she couldn't if she tried, cause he saw everything.

"that's bloody ironic coming from you. apologies if i'm a little moody, it's just that i've been waiting half an hour for a blond haired asshole and these cushions get pretty uncomfortable after a while."

"and what? you wanna come take a seat?" the boy motioned to his lap, legs clad in black ripped jeans and venus could see the sly grin which sneaked upon his lips before they were pressed to the glass bottle.

she couldn't do anything but ignore him, cause the boy was a damn tease, one minute hot and the next cold, really, she didn't know what to do with him. he's a damn drug, one hit isn't enough cause next thing you know, he's consuming your mind ( devouring it like a damn parasite ). truly, this boy was all venus could think about.

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