Family, together again.

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227's POV

I am standing in the control room of my almost complete ship. I take a look around and see that it is coming along perfectly. It needs a few more hours to get power running through it. I decide i'm going to go test James and Winter. I exit the ship and walk towards the training room to see James fighting against Maine, and Winter losing against Tex. Carolina looks over and sees me.

Carol: Admiral on deck!

Everyone stops and stands at attention. I walk down into the arena.

227: At ease soldiers.

They relax a little but stay on guard.

227: Maine, how is James coming along?

Maine: He is coming along great, but he needs to work on speed. He has the movement speed of a tank.

I nod and look over to Tex

227: Did you have to be so rough?

Texas: What? This is only day three. If she cant handle it then she should leave.

Before anyone could blink I was next to Tex with my combat knife at her throat.

227: If my soldiers don't work together then they all die. Teach her, not beat her.

She nods as I put my knife away.

227: Tex, Maine, Winter. Go to the stands I want to test James personally.

Everyone nods and walks away, well in Winters case is carried out by Tex. James puts his helmet on and gets in a fighting stance. He is using a boxing stance, good for Spartan II's that know how to fight properly. I get into my stance which is also a boxing stance since my augmentations are Spartan II's. The bell goes off and he charges me. I dodge out of the way and clothesline him. He falls but pops right back up and swings at me. I counter and hit him with a strong jab to the chest. He stumbles back a little and gets into his stance. Waiting for me to move first. I smile under my helmet, he is learning how to survive. I slowly close the circle and jab for his head. He copies my counter and throws me over his shoulder.

227: *on the ground* That's enough. You clearly are learning from Maine. Continue training as usual.

I get up and dust myself off.

227: Dismissed for today.

They salute me and walk off from the training room. I walk out after they are gone and head for beacon. I need to check up on team RWBY and see Ozpin. I get on my bike and speed out of the hanger towards Vale. Once i arrive I head inside to the stairs and walk up to Oz's office. Once inside the office I knock on the door.

Ozpin: Enter.

I push open the doors and walk in. I see Oz sitting at his desk with Gynda by his side.

Ozpin: It is good to see you again 227.

227: Same to you Professor. I have come to see how team RWBY is doing. It is my job to protect my cousins after all.

Ozpin stops mid sip of coffee and looks at me.

Ozpin: Who are your cousins.

227: Simple. My name is Jack Branwen. My sister is Yang and cousin is Ruby.

Ozpin smiles and motions for me to go see them. I go out into the courtyard to see Qrow and Winter fighting. Nobody is winning. I decide to step in and stop the fight.

227: Winter!!

They stop fighting and look at me. Winter (with her helmet off) blushes bright red.

Winter: Admiral! What are you doing at Beacon?

227: I'm here to see my family. You are here to the same, Yes?

Winter: Yes Admiral. I am here to see my little sister Weiss.

I nod and walk over to Qrow

Qrow: So you're an Admiral eh?

I stare at him not moving or talking.

Qrow: Why are you here Admiral?

227: To see my sister and my cousin who go to beacon

He nods and goes to walk away then turn around and tries to punch me. I grab his arm and twist it back, then but him in a choke hold. Then ruby runs over to where i am.

Ruby: Let go of Uncle Qrow!

I hesitate but let him go.

Qrow: You're fast and can defend yourself. I respect you Admiral. Can i help you find anyone?

227: No, who i wanted to meet is standing right there. *Looks at ruby* Hello cousin. Where is Yang?

Ruby: *confused* What do you mean cousin? Why are you calling me cousin?

227: I am your cousin, seeing as Raven is my mother. I am here to check on how your school is coming along.

They both stand there dumbfounded. I hear running, yelling, and then a explosion. I turn around to see Yang charging me. I sigh and catch her fists.

227: Calm down Yang

Yang: NO! You know where my Mother is.

227: Yes, I do know where she is, but I don't know if she is ready to meet you.

I see that Yang has calmed down but is now crying. I let go of her fists and hug her.

227: It's OK little sister, let it all out.

I hear a portal open. I look up and see Raven standing there with Maine. I nod and let go of Yang.

227: If you want answers get answers from the source. *I turn Yang around* Ask her directly.

Yang opens her eyes and sees Raven. She runs to Raven and hugs her. I smile and walk off. Nothing turns out how you plan it too, but we can make do.

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