Introduce The Meta / Outranking the General

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I have been on this planet for two years. It has been eventful. I have learned that there is no record of UNSC or Project Freelancer on this planet. i decide that since my guns are clean and my armor almost glows from how clean it is. I grab a book titled "The History of Remnant". Just as i open the book ruby walks in.

Ruby: Can you come with me to buy dust?

227: *grunt*

Sigma: He said yes

She squealed and tried to drag me but ended up falling on her face. I give a silent chuckle and walk to my armor and put it on. The helmet never comes off so no-one knows my face. I walk out of the room and ruby follows. Once she catches up i pick her up and put her on my shoulders. She pouts and lays on my helmet. When we arrive at the bullhead i lift her off my shoulders and set her next to me and she leans on me half asleep.

Sigma: She is adorable

227: *Hush up sigma*

I snap out of my thoughts as we land. I shake ruby and her eyes flutter open.

Ruby: Huh what where?

Sigma: We have landed ruby.

She gets up and starts to walk off he bullhead without me. I get up and jog over to her. When i catch up to her I lightly hit her shoulder. She looks at me and smiles. We arrive at the dust shop and the name is really cheesy. It's called "From Dust till Dawn". I walk in ducking so i don't hit the door frame. Ruby walks to the gun magazines, and i walk over to the ammo crates and see it's all dust. Not an ounce of lead in any of these bullets. I hear glass shatter and see that ruby just kicked a guy through a window. I run and jump out the window to block an incoming blade with my arm guard. I look at him and i grab him by his neck and i hear white noise go through my head

Ruby's POV

I look over at 227 and see that he is.....laughing? I slowly back away from him and go run and hide.

22 [ERROR] Meta's POV

Finally I am out he must have a reason i look around and see he little red girl and i feel the need to protect her. I turn back to the group of guys.

Meta: Ready boys?

They all back up a little as i run at them holding my magnum. I grab the first guy as i grab his sword, then cut his arms off as he lets out a blood curdling scream I sever his head from his body. The rest look at me in fear and some of them run. The two that stayed charge me. One is armed with a sword and the other is armed with a really puny pistol. I grab gut one by the neck and shot guy two in the head. The first guy looks at me with the look of "I'm so screwed". I grab his arms and tear them off of his body, then i cut his legs off and leave him to bleed out. I walk towards ginger pimp. He runs towards the ladder. I chuckle darkly.

Meta: You can't out run death!

I yell as i chase after him and catch up to him on a roof. He looks at me and smirks he shoots a crystal at me and it doesn't even scratch my armor. Then it explodes. I see that he is smirking. I walk out of the fire

Meta: Ha Ha Ha!! That tickled.

His faced drained of all color. He jumped off the roof onto a bullhead. When he tried to get away i grabbed the bullhead and the roof and held the bullhead there. Then i feel my suit heating up. I turn around and see a girl shooting fire balls at me. That's cute. I shake the bullhead and she falls backwards. I chuckle and hold the bullhead there until a huntress shows up and puts them in a....purple bubble and has a riding crop. This world that 227 is on is comedy gold. After they are off the bullhead i let go of it and it falls.

Huntress: Why did you kill those men down there?!?!

Meta: It's what we are trained to do ma'am.

I say as i fall over. The last thing i see is red standing over 227's body.

227's POV

I open my eyes and see they put me in handcuffs. These people are either really smart or really stupid. I look around and see that everyone is looking at me

227: *grunt*

Ruby breathes a sigh of relief and the other two look at me like i'm crazy. I look at ruby.

Sigma: He would like to know what is going on.

???:He is in a interrogation room for killing three men.

Sigma: *when did you kill three men?!?!*

227: *i really don't know*

Sigma: He doesn't remember doing that.

???: Well he did!!!

I slam my hands on the table scaring everyone.

Sigma: What are your names?

Ozpin: I am professor Ozpin

Prof. Good Witch: I'm Professor Goodwitch

Sigma: Well i am sigma and the guy in the armor is known as Alpha-227 or as our enemies call us The Meta.

They look at me and I nod. Ms. Goodwitch goes to hit me in a out lash of rage. I break my cuffs and grab her arm and she looks at me shocked. I stare at her with through the helmet and her expression slowly turns into fear. I let go of her arm and look at Ozpin.

Sigma: We will go to beacon on once condition Ozpin.

Ozpin *in shock*: What do you want?

Sigma: We want to teach survival.

Ozpin look confused until i point at his tablet and he looks at the video. He sighs and pushes his glasses up.

Ozpin: As long as you don't kill anyone.

Sigma: Deal.

I stick out my hand and he grabs it. I grip very tight.

Sigma/Meta: Don't backstab us. Are we clear??

Ozpin: *in pain*: Ye-e-e-s.

I let go of his hand and walk away to the door.

Goodwitch: You can't get through there. It is electronically locked.

I smirk in under my helmet. I punch the door and it dents. I punch it again and again and again and again. Until finally it busts down. I walk out and grab my guns. I look over and see a general. I look at him and pass by him.

???: Halt!

Sigma: Make me.

I have sigma say as i walk off. He tries to punch me, I catch his punch and rip off the robotic arm. I see that he has a General's uniform on. I smirk under my helmet and have Sigma say

Sigma: Show respect to someone who outranks you general

???: You don't outrank me.

Sigma: I'm a GA. So, general stand down.

He look shocked and stands down, I hand him his arm and walk out. I hear as i walk out

Ruby/Glynda/Ozpin: What is a GA

???: General of the Army

I hear two gasps and one squeal of excitement. It's going to be a long year

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