Chapter Nine: Asking

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Ummmm I feel bad leaving you guys hanging but I did not think anyone would like this story and it's been a while since I have thought of it. This was in my drafts so I thought I would post it for you guys. I will try and write more since people seem to enjoy it :) I'll definitely have to rewatch the series. I kind of forgot what happens.

Bethany's P.O.V

A week flew by and before I knew it I was so close with everyone in the yard, especially Pin. Him and I have been spending a lot of time together, whether we're with the moor pony, riding or petting Dash, or I'm helping him with his work while at the barn. He insisted that I shouldn't but mucking a few stalls doesn't hurt, plus it means I get to spend more time with him. Zoe told me about ghost pony and her moms horse emerald.

"Pin." I exclaimed, jumping up behind him and onto his back. He tensed up before he relaxed and looked over his shoulder slightly amused by my childish sneak up.

"Bethany." He smiled, turning around to face me once I let go. "Good morning."

"Good morning."  I smiled back before moving around him to pet Dash. "Good Morning, Dash." I greeted as the horse neighed and rubbed his head against my hand.

"You seem to be in a good mood." He comments as he throws some hay into the stall for Dash to eat before moving on to the next one as he does his morning chores.

I look around, always feeling lucky to be able to come over here and be around such nice people and horses. "I like being here."

He smiles at that, handing me some hay to me so that I could feed the other horses. "Zoe and I went for a ride yesterday after you left."

I look at him with a shocked look. "And you didn't kill each other?" I tease, hiding the small amount of jealousy I feel for Zoe being able to go on a sunset ride with Pin.

He chuckles, pushing the wheelbarrow further. "It was nice actually. We talked more about Raven. She really wants to understand that horse."

I shrug, taking another handful of hay. "They've really connected." I then took a deep breath, the prom on my mind. He should go. It would a nice time and a good place for him to relax maybe, enjoy himself. "Pin." He looks over to me, noticing the change in my tone and giving me his attention. "The barn dance is tomorrow night, you should come."

He glances away, looking as if his mind is already made up about not going. "I don't know."

I take another deep breath to give me some more confidence and walk closer to him. "You should" His eyes move quickly back over to mine like he couldn't believe what I just said. I blush, breaking the eye contact. "My dad is on a business trip for the next few days and I've never gone to dance before so I want to go. I want for you to be with me to hang out with and I don't"

"You're rambling." He points out, taking a step towards me, brushing a piece of hair out of my face as I move my eyes over back to his. "Alright. We'll go together." I smile, biting my lip, just staring into his beautiful eyes.

"Hey, Beth-" Becky and the girls walk up and then stop seeing the position Pin and I were in. "Oh...we'll just." She turns her head and loudly whispers, "run!"

I laugh and move away from Pin, trying to hide my blush. "Hey! I was just about to come find you guys."

Zoe and Jade smirk. "Uh-huh, after you and Pin have a moment." We both blush deeper and I want nothing more than to be out of this situation. The girls laugh. "We just wanted to know if you want to get ready together for the dance."

"Sure." I smile, happy to be included. Zoe probably knows a lot about dresses and makeup; she'll help me look presentable for this dance.

"Are you going, Pin?" She asks, looking past me. 

He clears his throat. "Yeah." He then points to the wheelbarrow. "I should be getting back. See you guys tomorrow night."

He leaves and I shake my head at the girls as they laugh. "So you asked him?" Jade questions.

I nod my head. "Yeah, just now actually. Your timing is impeccable." I laugh.

"Sleep over at my house! Then party time." Zoe states with a big smile on her face. "Let's go ride."

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