Chapter Seven: Bruises

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Again, sorry for the long awaited updated. I finally have a moment to myself to write and edit this little part. I hope you all enjoy :)

Bethany P.O.V's

"Hello." I answered as my phone began to ring.

"You won't believe what happened! Last night the horse thief came for Raven but I stopped him! Then I sort of got knocked out by Raven because he was scared but I'm fine!" Zoe said quickly on the phone. So many expressions presented themselves on my face: shocked, worried, and then thinking she was crazy for going to fight a real criminal.

"Zoe, that's insane!" I said walking towards the stables with a slip limp. Last night my father got a bit upset when he thought I was talking back to him. And when I said I wasn't and never would he got even more mad because he thought I was lying. In the end, he ended up shoving me down the stairs, I landed a bit odd on my ankle but it doesn't seem like anything serious...luckily. "That's so dangerous!"

"I know but I needed to save Raven." She said firmly, though I expected an answer like that. Her and that horse are a package deal and if someone were to try to come between them...well good luck to them.

"Anyway, my mom finally told me why she doesn't want me riding. It all has to do with this horse named Emerald and their accident. But! She gave me permission to ride! Want to go?" She asked excitedly as I glance down to my limp. Maybe I won't ride but I could definitely go hang out with them.

"I'll be there soon." I smiled and hung up the phone, shoving it back into my back pocket.

The rest of the walk to the stables wasn't long. Though, with my limb, it definitely took me a few minutes longer. Hopefully it won't take too long to heal up so I can get back on a horse as soon as possible, more specifically, get on Dash.

When walking up I noticed Zoe and Raven first; she was brushing him giving him a small smile. She's obviously happy that he's alright. "We showed those horse thief's, right?" Zoe laughed petting Raven. I smiled coming up behind her, trying to hid my limp.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, greeting Zoe and Jade, noticing she was there too.

"Bethany!" Jade smiled, moving my attention over to her. "Did Zoe tell you what happened?"

I nodded my head, going over to lean against the fence between the two. "Yeah. She told me all about it and how dangerous that was." I said giving Zoe a look as she smile and shook her head like what she did wasn't a big deal. I'm sure her mom isn't happy with her for basically risking her life.

"Have you guys seen the cameras?" Zoe asked as she looked around the stables getting me to too. I hadn't noticed it until now, but the stables were now fully documented.

Jade backed up and pointed to one that was placed on top of the roof. "Infrared motion sensors, a brand new back up generator, which means it'll never go down. State of the art stuff." She smiled, glad that whatever is happening here will hopefully be quickly stopped by those cameras.

"Pricey." I commented looking away from the camera over to Jade.

"Yeah, looks like Elliot spent a fortune." Zoe continued, watching as Jade made a face and nodded.

"But oh, nothing is too expensive for my little girl." She laughed as she attempted to act as him. "My money keeps this yard running," She continued as she saw Zoe and I laughing. She dramatically crossed her arms. "And Sam quivers with fear at my-"

"Hi, Sam!" Zoe yelled to get Jade to stop talking. Jade jumped looking over her shoulder and silently groaning hoping Sam didn't hear her. Which luckily, it didn't seem like she did.

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