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I took a great look at myself on the bathroom mirror ,somehow I was fortunate enough to be a cut above most of 'the boys' at Mcbrands high school . I raised both my bushy eyebrows and squinted my eyes this is THE boy to date I thought with pride, besides who wouldn't want to date a guy like me? Mum used to say I looked like my dad with those icy blue eyes I was looking through at and I knew it, we had the exact genes flowing in us. I tightened my jaw at the thought of dad, he'd left us without a word on his sick bed and that was so cowardly of him .How much did he value the time we spent together besides the only hour he claimed to sacrifice out of his busy schedule he would say. I gave that memory a sigh as I brushed my hair.

I drove out in my sporty range rover for school after all I didn't need breakfast because I literally had no one to make it for me, besides, since it was the end of summer holidays I probably would link up again with Haley ,continue from where we had left . I hadn't realized I was smiling just at the thought of her.... we had attended the same kindergarten up to now although she was always a grade below me, not for long though. Mum had insisted I retake the psychology and world history classes due to my absence in school last year and that meant Haley and I would be attending the same classes . She wasn't pretty but she could be if she wanted to be, she had brown dusty -like hair that complimented her green eyes and thin lips that tasted like strawberry or was it the balm she used on her lips that made them taste

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