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How well do you know the minor characters of the Percy Jackson series?

1. In House of Hades, who did Rachel bring with her to Camp Jupiter for negotiations?
A. Thalia
B. Will
C. Grover
D. Clarisse

2. Why did Thalia hate Zoe at first in The Titan's Curse?
A. Zoe had tried to recruit her and failed
B. Zoe had insulted Camp Half-Blood
C. The Hunters despised Zeus
D. Zoe had defeated her well in Capture the Flag

3. What Apollo cabin leader came before Will Solace?
A. Kayla Knowles
B. Lee Fletcher
C. Austin Lake
D. Michael Yew

4. How long had Silena and Beckendorf been dating?
A. Two years
B. One year
C. Six months
D. Four months

5. How long was Calypso imprisoned?
A. 2,601 years
B. 3,528 years
C. 3,473 years
D. 2,922 years

6. What did the Stolls do to make Katie Gardner mad at them in The Last Olympian?
A. Filled the sinks of the bathroom with shaving cream
B. Put water balloons in the Demeter cabin's beds
C. Decorated the roof of the Demeter cabin with chocolate rabbits
D. Fooled Katie in Capture the Flag

7. What is Dakota's favorite drink?
A. Cool-Aid
B. Root beer
C. Diet coke
D. Cranberry juice

8. Who is Michael Kahale's godly parent?
A. Mercury
B. Hebe
C. Iris
D. Venus

Answer Key:

1. C. In House of Hades, Rachel and Grover are mentioned through a dream as meeting with the Romans due to Annabeth's burned napkin note.

2. A. Zoe tried to recruit Thalia before they even made it to Camp Half-Blood. Thalia almost joined, but because of the fact that she would have had to leave Luke, she refused.

3. D. Lee Fletcher, the original leader, died in the Battle of the Labyrinth, and Michael Yew took over. When Michael died in The Last Olympian, Will Solace took over.

4. B. In The Last Olympian, we are told that Silena and Beckendorf started dating one year before the Battle of Manhattan-when Beckendorf died.

5. B. Calypso says this is The Dark Prophecy, book two of The Trials of Apollo.

6. C. This is mentioned during the cabin leader's meeting in The Last Olympian, when Katie vaguely accuses the Stolls of being the spies for Luke.

7. A. This is first brought up during The Son of Neptune, when Percy asks why Dakota has red stains on his mouth.

8. D. This is mentioned as Reyna wonders how such a tough guy got the Roman goddess of love for a parent.

PJO Magazine Edition #3: February 2019Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora