Chapter 6

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Hopefully no one is mad about what I did in the last chapter. o; I put Lady Gaga's song Bad Romance (rock version cover) to kind of.. -Gina storyoftheyearxo


Previously 1: (Sean's POV) 

I glared down at her. "It wasn't funny."

Her expression softened and she stood up, walking towards me. "I'm sorry." She repeated herself over and over 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry'.

"Hey, you can have my pieces. I'm not hungry anymore. I'm going to do my shooting now." I sighed quietly, shagging my hair over my eyes again. If I wasn't so angry, I might've cried right there.

"Okay, I'll come with you." I felt her pacing quickly towards me.

I stopped directly in my steps. "Alone," I spit out.

I walked away from her, hurt and angry. 

'Stupid, beautiful woman.' Vincent and Kara said simultaneously. 


Previously 2: (Naomi's POV)

He glared at me. "It wasn't funny."

My expression softened and my heart dropped. I she stood up and walked towards him, saying sorry over and over. I thought we'd both end up laughing. It was just a joke, he shouldn't be upset.

"Hey, you can have my pieces. I'm not hungry anymore. I'm going to do my shooting now." He sighed quietly, shagging his hair over his eyes again.

"Okay, I'll come with you." I jumped to his side.

He stopped directly in my steps and spit out, "Alone."

What did I just do?"


Sean's POV

I haven't spoken to Naomi in a whole twenty four hours, I can't even bring myself to have small conversation with her. Remorse was written all over her and I'm guessing it's because I haven't hold her I've forgiven her. Don't give me wrong, I'm not one to hold grudges. I've forgiven her in my mind but I just don't want to tell her that myself. The reason being I don't want to bring the situation up again. 

Sighing, I walked into our shared restroom. It was small, only occupying a semi-broken shower and a toilet. Our shower is considered a sink. The rest of our jail cell is sanitary, why does our restroom have to filthy?

I chewed on my lower lips and grabbed a pair of rusty, over-used scissors. I stared at them with pitiful eyes as my index finger ran over the dull edges. 

'Goodbye hair,'  Vincent whispered.

Supposedly, it was mandatory to cut my hair to a more manageable length so it's be easier to gel for the robbery. It also had to be cut for whatever mission we will be having in the future. Naomi said I couldn't risk my hair poking me in the eye of my hair growing too long to the point that I could barely see correctly. 

I really wanted to retaliate by saying, "Well, eyelashes get stuck in my eye all the time! Why don't we just cut off every single one of my eyelashes?!" That would've started another unnessacary arguemnt though and I wasn't prepared for one so I kept my mouth shut, agreeing to give myself a time. 

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