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drama queens + luce

disco deaky jr 🦖:
okay so
proposal ideas

cardy b 🤠:
are you gonna do anything yourself smh joseph

angel maybriel 😇:
ignore him joe he's just mad that it's not him

mr robot 🤖:
uhhhh why not just do it really nonchalant
this is ava after all she won't want anything too flamboyant

love of my life 🌹:
yeah rami's right
it stresses her out and that's not good for her

disco deaky jr 🦖:
yeah i don't wanna put her through that

cardy b 🤠:
i vote you just have a cute at home date and then you do it there

angel maybriel 😇:
wow ben you're actually being constructive

cardy b 🤠:
doesn't mean it doesn't hurt

love of my life 🌹:
she told me before she's been wanting to try that new take out place near your guys house so

disco deaky jr 🦖:
this has made me feel so much better
thank you my minions

love of my life 🌹:
no problem! call us minions again and i'm blocking you

angel maybriel 😇:
i'm so excited eeek

cardy b 🤠:
gwil are you nine

mr robot 🤖:

peep lucy being subtle about making sure ava's okay
sorry this has been so long awaited - college has me stressed to the nine realms (hehe thor) and i'm exhausted ngl


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