Petals and Blood

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Kokichi woke up in the morning as he realised he was sinking halfway to his floor from his bed. There was this loud and distorted screaming in his head. Everything felt so cold, dark, painful and empty with nothing good left in his world. He hated himself. He hated the world. He hated this disease. He couldn't do anything about it, though. He curled up into a ball and started to sob for a few minutes like the weakling he was.

Kokichi started to get dressed, he brushed his teeth and packed up his school things. He didn't bother eating or brushing his hair. He put on his shoes, preparing for another day of torture. Physical and mental torture at that. He put on his mask and headed out.

A few minutes of walking, he heard someone running behind him. "Kokichi! You really left me there?!" He instantly knew whose voice it belonged to, it was Keebo.
"Nishishi~ Maybe, Maybe not~!" Kokichi responded as Keebo walked beside him.

The two talked for a few minutes until Kokichi started to cough. "Are you okay?"

Kokichi kept coughing, turning his face away from Keebo in case blood or a flower petal fallen out of his mouth. Blood didn't spill out but sure did a flower petal. Kokichi cleared his voice and looked back at Keebo.

"No worries. Just feeling a bit sick~" Keebo didn't buy his lies.
"Are you sure? You've been coughing a lot lately. Plus, you haven't been eating any food." Keebo said with concern in his tone.

"Don't worry so much about me! Nishishi~" Kokichi said with a grin. God, it broke pieces of his soul every second he had to put on a facade.
"If you say so.."

The two arrived at school, and the two talked in the hallways, soon their other friend, Rantaro joined in. Kiyo joined in later than anyone else in their friend group.

As they were talking, Kokichi saw two familiar faces pass by. The ultimate Pianist and the Detective. The two were a couple, they loved each other no matter what. They were laughing and joking together. It was a healthy and stable relationship. Kokichi felt his stomach tighten. He excused himself to the bathroom.

Kokichi looked around the bathroom and the stalls to see if anyone was inside them. Luckily, no one was here. Kokichi leaned against the cold sink, coughing up blood and flower petals. Why, for God's sake, why was he cursed with this disease? He wished he could get the surgery, but he wasn't that wealthy enough to afford it.

Kokichi washes off the blood and the flower petals from his mouth and exited the bathroom. He heard the final bell ring.

Kokichi was on time for once, but he wished he walked even slower. This was the class he dreaded the most. A class with Shuichi Saihara.

Kokichi didn't pay attention to what the teacher was saying whatsoever, but one thing caught his attention. "You will have assigned partners for this project. I will only say this once. Here are your partners.." the teacher began to read out the names. He prayed he wasn't with Shuichi. He even wished he was with Maki.

"Ouma Kokichi with.." he felt his body tense up. "Saihara Shuichi." And he thought his day couldn't get any worse.

What kind of tropey-bull shit is this?! He hated this. He didn't want to excuse himself to the bathroom and slowly feel his heartbreak knowing that Shuichi loved someone else.

"O-Ouma?" He heard a familiar voice call out his name, making his heart skip a beat.
"Oh, uh, you can just call me Kokichi." He snapped out of his trance as he stood up and looked at Shuichi.

Everything about him looked so perfect and fragile. His beautiful yellow eyes which you could get lost in forever. His navy hair that was as beautiful as the night sky.

"You were dozing off a little.." Shuichi said.
"Ah, sorry," Kokichi said, trying to force a grin.
"Anyway, should we make plans for our project?" Shuichi said, taking a chair and sitting on it, as Kokichi grabbed a seat as well. "Oh, sorry, I wasn't listening, what was our topic? Nishishi~" Shuichi sighed.

Before the students had to leave the classroom, Shuichi gave Kokichi his number to talk about the project.

Once the dreadful two hours passed, he moved on to his next class, taking a few bathroom breaks to cough everything all out. He looked into the mirror and saw he looked like he's been on meth. Plus, he felt like shit.

After one more period passed by, he had lunch. His friends sat under a tree and ate their lunch. Kokichi only drank panta.

"Kokichi, you really need to eat more," Rantaro spoke up.
"Guys, I swear I'm not hungry."
Kiyo was next to speak up. "I suspect that is a lie." He said.
"No, I hate liars! Liar liar pants on fire!" Kokichi said as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Whether you are lying or not, you still need food. It's a necessity." Kiyo added.
"You can have some of my food if you want," Rantaro said, gesturing at his lunch.
"No thanks~"

Kokichi would've just thrown all of his food up if he'd eaten any. He just didn't want to go through the pain of throwing up, even though the urge of wanting to eat was more painful.

"Kokichi, is something going on? You've been coughing and denying to eat food from.. well, a few months ago." Keebo said.
"Nishishi~ you guys worry too much! I'm fiiinnnee!" Kokichi dragged out the 'fine' to make it seem like his usual childish self. He stood up, dusting the dirt off his pants.
"I'm going to throw this trash away okay?~" Then Kokichi ran off to the nearest trash can.

Kokichi threw the panta can away, but he heard some giggling somewhere. Kokichi looked around the corner, but he wished he didn't. He was so stupid too. There was Kaede and Shuichi, kissing each other. He started to cough. A blooming flower got coughed out by him, the petals covered in blood. Kokichi picked up the flower and threw it into the trash can.

"Is someone there?" A feminine voice called out. Kokichi swiftly ran away back to his friends.

Soon enough, the day ended. But God wanted to get on Kokichi's nerves this particular day.
Kokichi fell over because of a pebble. Even worse, Shuichi came by to help him up. "Are you okay?" The detective kindly asked, helping him up.
"Yeah, I'm fine shumai, no need to worry-" Kokichi helped himself up, nearly falling again. "I Uh, have to go rush home-" Kokichi ran off without even saying a thank you or a goodbye.

"Wow, you always have to leave me behind when we walk," Keebo said, catching up with Kokichi.
"Nishishishi~" He chuckled in response.

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