Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

“Shhhh!” I whispered into Night's ear as I tried her to a tree further away from the house. I didn't want her hooves waking anyone up.

Quietly, like when I was a wolf, I crept towards the house and let myself in, noting that nobody had bothered to lock the door. I guess I felt slightly bad about breaking into someone else's house, but this needed to be. I had to remind myself why exactly I was here, because otherwise guilt would over-power me and I would leave again. I wasn't scared. Should anything happen I could just change into a bird or something and fly off, taking my clothes with me. Nobody would ever know. I'd have to get Night though somehow, but I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.

I listened, hoping that Neal had gone to sleep already, that he didn't sleep in the same room as the mother, what was her name again? Amanda? Mandy? Yeah, that's it. Mandy. At least, that's what she wanted me to call her. I couldn't hear anything, but that was only with my human ears, almost useless. I shifted them into my cat's ears. They could hear really well. I think I deffinitely hear some younger people snoring somewhere further away in the house, probably Aaron and Alex in the attic like room of theirs. That caused a wave of anger to roll through me. Anger at Neal and Mandy. What person would do that to a child? What mother wouldn't do anything against it? Not a shifter, that's for sure. But humans seem different, more complex.

I listened again, but couldn't hear any more snoring. I also didn't hear any other signs of life. Maybe Neal was out, but I sincerely hoped that Mandy wasn't. I gave myself another few minutes to try and hear anything that would even suggest that Mandy was here, but nothing.

I had to go before Mum found out I was missing though, so I quietly left again and hoped nobody would notice me. I untied Night from her tree and hopped onto her back. We galloped away into the night that still wasn't as black as the horse who bore its name.

I had to sneek into my own house, which wasn't anything unusual. Luckily for me, I wasn't caught. Soon I was back in my room and fast asleep.

DRINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Curse that damned alarm clock! I swear, one day I'll accidentily on purpose throw it out the window. DRINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!

My fist flew out to the side and I hammered it down on my alarm clock. Now to getting up! Slowly, and groggily, with a lot of groaning, I rolled out of bed and onto the floor. That's when I noticed that I was still a human. Be proud, Sam, you managed not to shift in the night.

“Good moring!” My dad came in cheerily. Being happy in the mornings should be illegal. “Get ready for school Sam, or you'll be late.”

“If I skip breakfast, could I get another ten minnutes?” I asked hopefully.

“No, if you skip breakfast you get to go to school earlier. Now get your lazy self downstairs, ready and dressed in five minutes.”

If my eyes didn't turn red, I'll jump out the window without shifting into a bird or anything else mid jump.

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