Chapter 32

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A/N I am so sorry I haven't updated recently, bare wih me I have been more busy then ever. I will try to update more often promise!

Chapter 32


A week has passed and we have most everything planed. The ceremony will be in the mouth of the chasm, the reception will be in an empty unused training room that Chris is apparently going to decorate. We have everything done except for one small detail.

The Dress.

Now I have to go shopping all day, and if I I know Christina I will be trying on a million different dresses today. And then we have to pick out the bridesmaid dresses. Not sure how today will go but I know it's going to be a long day.... A very long day.

Just as I head out the door to MEET Christina I am bombarded by someone. Guess who? The person I was supposed to meet at the CHASM not outside my door as soon as I opened it. Oh well you gotta love her.

"Common lets go shopping! The girls are gonna meet us there and I think your mom may come to!" She shouts as she drags me emphasis on Drag through the hallway.

I haven't seen my mom since everything and I didn't even know that she knew I was getting married....

She continues to drag me through the compound and my arm is starting to ache from the strain that she is putting on it. She's excited, I remind myself, she loves shopping and weddings and look at what we're doing. I internally sigh and say "Hey Chris there is this thing called legs and I would like to use mine properly, if you don't mind"

At this she stops and looks at me for a minute then drops my arm.

"Sorry just excited" she says and I rub my arm.

"I know I'm not mad, just ow" I say still rubbing my sore arm

"Sorry, again. Common this way" she says bouncing on the balls of her feet. And she runs off. I laugh and run to follow her,

-page break-

"Chris I've tried on a million fluffy ball gowns, can I go look myself see what I like please?" I plead getting tired of trying on every poffy dress in this store.

"Fine" she mumbles "hey does your family know your getting married?" She asks

My mom didn't show, I guess she had though I told her or something.

"Uh, er. Shoot no. I'll deal with that later." I say and walk off to find a dress.

Then I see one I like. It's strapless with a sweat heart neckline and is tight down to about the hips and from there it flows out loosely, not in a poffy way though. The top part is black with a dark grey band around the neckline and there was a dark grey band where the hips are separating the two parts of the dress. The whole dress was black but the bottom part had sparkles on it, not over excessive but there. And another grey band at the hem of the dress.

I shrugged and picked it up.

After I got it on I went out to the viewing room to show my friends. They all gasp.

"Tris your beautiful" Christina says in almost a whisper and her eyes glassy,

"Poffy wasn't your style then." Lynn nods and I laugh trying not to cry. I love the dress, it was beautiful and it didn't look bad on me.

"Sold!" Shuanna yells her eyes glassy as well.

"so" Marlene says sniffing "bridesmaids dresses?" She asks

"What are your wedding colors again?" Lynn asks

"Black, grey, and blue. I figured you girls could wear grey and Chris could wear blue, Eruidte blue to be exact" I say

"Perfect!" Chris shouts standing up while wiping away tears. "Let's buy the dress and go then"

-page break-

All the dresses were strapless. Mar, Lynn's , and Shaunnas dresses were long to-the-floor grey dresses they were simple (like abnegation) with a black belt around the waist and a black flower on the right side of the chest.

And Christina's was a dark blue strapless dress with a sweat heart neckline that went to the floor as well and she had a black band on her waist and from there down was sparkly.

She loved it....

After the long day I head back to the apartment. Chris is keeping the dresses at her place. I open the the door and sigh.

"Tobias?" I say

"Here" he says walking in the room and coming over to me placing his hands on my waist and kissing me gently.

"How was it?" He asks

"Long" I said "but I found a dress I like"

"Can I see it"

"You have to marry me to do that" I say smiling

"I may just do that then" he says and then kisses me again passionately.

I pull away and look at him. "I have to tell my parents, I spaced and forgot about them" I say.

"Tomorrow I'll go with you" he says and I smile. I love this man.

"I love you" I say and kiss him

"Love you to". He mumbles against my lips picking me up and taking me to bed. Our lips never parting.

He sets me down and starts kissing my neck, and then my three ravens.

He then plops on the other side of the bed and pulls me to him. I burry my head in his chest as I start to drift off.

"Goodnight " he says into my hair. But I'm already to far off to return the gesture.

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