10. Comforter

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"Shay! Shay! Wake up! You need to get up if we want breakfast!" Lace's voice was anything but the tone it was last night. It was loud and booming as she nudged Shay, trying to get her to wake up. Shay just groaned as she hit Lace with her pillow.

"Shut the bloody hell up before you crack my skull open with your voice, woman!" Shay complained, still not looking up from her pillow, which she had buried her face into the minute Lace had drawn the curtains surrounding her four poster bed, revealing Shay to the world outside. Luckily it wasn't too bright outside due to the small fact it was Winter but it was still too bright for Shay's liking.

"Come on, Shay! Fae's waiting outside the common room for us! Don't make her wait!" Lace complained, attempting at dragging Shay by the arm. Shay hit her arm, trying to get her away.

"Why can't I just lie here? If I get up then I'm just going to get teased by Remus and some of the stupid Slytherins. If I lie here then I can catch up on some sleep AND have a good day," Shay grumbled but Lace wasn't having any of it. She shook her head and sighed, taking a step back as she crossed her arms across her chest, making her look sassier than ever.

"Shay Quinn, I am giving you to the count of ten to get your arse up and out of that bed," Lace said calmly, scaring Shay even more. Her eyes however did not share the same calmness as her voice held. They were blazing more than a fire in the deepest depths of hell. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9-"

"I'm up, I'm up!" Shay shouted, jumping up from her bed so fast she had to sit back down again due to whiplash. Lace was obviously impatient with waiting for her as she grabbed her arm and dragged her over to her trunk. She opened up the big brown trunk that had Shay's initial's carved in with a knife. It was obviously cheap but Lace didn't mind, Shay was her friend no matter how well she was in money.

"Now, I am going to get you out your uniform, you will put it on, I will call Fae up here and we shall both make you look so beautiful Remus will regret the day he ever said yes to that freaking bet Sirius Black challenged him to. I mean, of course it was Sirius Black. I mean, he's a bloody idiot so why wou-" Shay rolled her eyes as she tuned out her best friend's rambles on how much of an idiot Sirius was. Of course, she wasn't going to stick up for Sirius, the complete opposite actually. He changed Remus and not for the better.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it," Shay muttered, grabbing her uniform from Lace's hands and walking past her to the bathroom, slamming the door shut due to her grumpiness. The thing about Shay was, she knew when she was grumpy and she hated it but just like everyone else, you can't stop being grumpy when you're in a mood.

She quickly put on the uniform and frowned in annoyance at her shirt. It was too baggy on the sleeves and stomach but around her neck and wrists it was too tight and the worst thing was that she couldn't make it fit. It could have been worse though, her shirt could have been some horrendous mustard yellow like the muggle school's shirt that one of the girl at her orphanage went to. 

Her hair was a mess from sleeping but she could care less, Lace was probably going to fix it.

"Now sit that arse of yours down on this bed so that I can do your hair. Fae will be up in a minute to do your makeup," Lace told her as she sat down on her bed. Lace grabbed the hairbrush that was sitting on her bedside locker and began to comb through Shay's hair, often yanking when she came to a knot, much to Shay's annoyance.

"I have arrived!" Fae exclaimed as she walked into the girl's room that was now clear except for Shay and Lace. Fae quickly took out the bag that Lace had told her to go and get from her room and set it down on the bed next to where Shay was sat on the bed as she began to rummage through it. Her eyes widened as she smiled with delight, taking out the things she had been looking for. "Now, get ready for a proper makeover, Shay. And by the end of it, Remus will be regretting everything he ever did or said to you. And you know what you're going to do when he apologizes and asks if you can get back together?"

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