4. Nicer

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Shay walked quietly down the hallways of Hogwarts, listening for any noise ahead of her or behind her. The last thing she needed was a prefect catching her sneaking out to study because she was failing charms, especially the fact her tutor was none other than Remus Lupin.

Shay Quinn was known for many things but one thing everyone and I mean everyone knew of her hatred towards Remus. Fair enough she didn't clutch onto it as if it was a secret but in Hogwarts, if you didn't know of Shay's hatred towards Remus, you obviously hadn't been in the wizarding world for a century. It was just something you instantly knew and all the gossip didn't help anyone.

As she finally arrived in the astronomy tower, she noticed that Remus had yet to arrive. She mumbled a few curses under her breath and ever so delicately, plopped herself down onto the ground by one of the telescopes. She held her charms book to her chest and let out a sigh. Why had Remus agreed to this if he hadn't been planning on showing up? This was typical of him! She knew he was being to nice! Why hadn't she even bothered to think that this was another one of his immature pranks? She groaned at the thought of him teasing her when she entered the great hall.

She sat back against the wall, opening the charms book, deciding not to put her efforts of sneaking up here to study to waste.

Meanwhile, down in the Gryffindor common rooms, Remus was reading a book whilst listening to James and Sirius debate over who would get into the quidditch world finals this year. Peter sat, watching their conversation quietly, like always. Lily sat beside James, finishing off her own charms homework, trying to ignore the noisy debating coming from her boyfriend and his best friend.

Remus looked at Sirius as he suddenly stopped giving out to James about his reasoning that the Holyhead Harpies could get in and looked around the common room. It was fair enough to say that Sirius was sexist though the obvious reason for that would be that he only ever dated the idiots of the female gender. Its pretty hard to think both genders can do anything they want to when the females he knew could barely spell.

"Why is there a Hufflepuff in the Gryffindor common room?" he suddenly asked, causing all of their heads to shoot in his direction, then look around the common room to finally set upon the dark brown haired beauty. Fae. She had a book in front of her and was talking to Landon Patil , another seventh year Gryffindor, whilst writing on a piece of parchment. Landon  had been seen talking to the three girls during lessons and in the great hall and maybe even a few times in the corridor but he had never been known to let them into the common room, nor them him. It was not usual to find someone of another house in a different common room and now was no exception. Everyone who had noticed Sirius' outburst now looked at Fae like she had a third head.

 "She's here studying, for your information, Black,"  Landon said as Fae looked at everyone in confusion, curious as to why everyone was looking at her like that. She was used to going into the Ravenclaw common room with Lace and Shay and all the other Ravenclaw's greeting her sweetly. Why should it be any different in the Gryffindor common room? Apparently it was as she seen everyone was looking at her with a strange look.

"Why can't she study with her own house?" Remus asked, quite rudely. Fae and Lily furrowed their eyebrows and looked at Remus in surprise. They had never heard him talk so rudely but yet again, he had been talking to Sirius a lot more lately. Lily shook her head in disappointment. She sighed and went back to writing about the first man to cast a patronus charm. Fae continued to look at Remus strangely.

"Haven't you ever heard of a tutor, Remus?" Landon said as if it were obvious. Remus felt as if he had been hit by a ton of bricks. He had forgotten all about Shay! She would never give him another chance to let him tutor her! If he had thought that it had been hard to convince her the first time he could only imagine what the second time would be like. Maybe she would still be there if he hurried off to the astronomy tower right now.

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