2. Prettier

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Shay looks at herself in the mirror of the bathroom on the train. She left Fae and Lace alone in the compartments so she could slip in here.

She doesn't know why, but every time she goes into the bathroom, she has to look in the mirror. She just has to. She looks at herself and she can't help but point out each flaw she has.

Her brown hair is too thick and gets messy and frizzy easily. Her fringe perfectly sits along her eyebrows but she have to cut it every month and it blows too easily in the wind, messing the whole fringe up for the day. The freckles on her nose. How she despised those freckles. She doesn't have freckles anywhere else on her face, just my nose. It annoys her so much. It points out her nose and if there's one thing she hates about her face the most, its her nose. It's a bit fat but it looks like someone stood on it, according to her. The freckles do not help make it look any better. Her lips are a normal shade of pink and are medium sized.

Then there's her eyes.

If there's one thing that she likes about herself, its her eyes. They're a nice clear blue. Just a normal, clear blue. No certain shade, just blue.

She's not exactly the skinniest of them all but she's nowhere near fat. She's just kind of in the middle and that made her happy enough to enjoy the occasional chocolate frog or cauldron cake.

She's tall. She knows that much. She's tall for her age anyway. About 5'7. She knows it's not the tallest but it's taller than her friends. Ah, Fae and Lace. They're probably wondering where she was.

She walks back to the compartment in her Ravenclaw robes and easily slide the door open. As it opens, she look to see that Fae and Lace are already changed.

Fae has her Hufflepuff robes on and Lace has her Ravenclaw robes. They had only just met Fae in Herbology, Lace and her also having known her father as he had been the actual Herbology teacher.

Lace and Shay had met when they were both put into Ravenclaw and they had to shared a dorm along with Samantha Scott, Hilary Tamp and Georgia Richards.

Lace and Fae have had their fair share of boyfriends but they have never left the group. Shay? Not so much.

She'd be lying if she said no one had ever asked her out but in reality, the ones that do are usually the all looks, no brain and no relationship kind of guys. I mean, is it so wrong to want to have a boyfriend that's smart, good-looking and not out to break your heart? She didn't think so.

Now, according to Shay, Fae and Lace are both the beautiful one's. She can see why even the kind guys like them. They are the definition of beautiful where as she thought herself the definition of cute. Now who wants to be cute?

Lace has nice, long dirty blonde, much longer than her just below shoulder length hair. She's got the nicest blue eyes, like an aqua. Her cheeks are not frail like Shay's but yet they don't make her face look chubby. Her lips are a perfect shade of pink, a bit bigger than hers. She's smaller than me but she's not actually small. She's the perfect amount of skinny, which is where she looks skinny yet not anorexic.

Then there's Fae. Fae has the longest hair out of all of them, her dark brown hair running down to almost her mid-back. Her side fringe perfectly covers her right eye but leaves little strands apart so she can see through it. She has green eyes with lightish brown flecks through them. Her cheeks are like a cross between Shay's and Lace's. They're not frail like Shay's yet they're not as thick as Lace's. Her lips are pretty much the same as Shay's though. She's the second tallest, only being less than an inch smaller than Shay.

Lace had her hair in a ponytail, perfect like always. She also has her wand in hand, practising a few of the harder charms from our book. That's Lace, always working ahead.

Fae has her hair in a bun. Its not exactly perfect but that's what makes it look perfect. She's got her wand in the bun, making it look sloppily put together, yet it suits her. She's playing with the exploding snap cards, trying to make a card house.

Shay's hair is up in its usual ponytail, with the few large bumps at the back as always. She keeps her wand up her sleeve at all times, so that she can easily grab it. She sits down and began to help Fae with the card house.

She's a pure blood, just letting you muggle-born despisers know. She lives in an orphanage though because both her parents are in azkaban. I know, what idols, right?

Fae is the only half blood, Lace also being a pure blood. None of them really care about blood status though, its of no consequence to them. 

They don't really have any other friends, other than Fae's brother, Timmy who they talk to sometimes. Well Fae and Lace also talk to her older sister, Deirdre, but she will never consider her a friend. Sisters just don't count as friends to her.

They all have siblings though. Not a single one of them are an only child. Fae is the oldest with her one year younger brother, Timmy, then Evan is three years younger than her and her last brother is Oscar who is eight years younger than her. She only has one sister called Tilly; she's the youngest being ten years younger than Fae.

Fae has the biggest family. Lace has only two siblings, Ian and Riley. Ian is the second oldest, making Lace the oldest. Ian is three years younger than Lace while Riley, Lace's little sister, is eight years younger than her.

So that leaves Shay with the smallest family. She only has Deirdre but even Deirdre has an adoptive family. The only reason she even knows her is because her family couldn't take two children yet thought it would be cruel to separate two sisters and lets her visit Shay every once in a while.

Just as the card house explodes, the compartment door opens, showing four figures in the doorway. Four figures showing the boys who we the girls hate. The marauders.

Well, not all of them hate them. Well hate them ALL. Fae does have one crush. Of course it had to be on Sirius Black, the player and heart breaker of the school.

Then of course Lace has a heartbreaking crush on James, the heartbreaking part because he'll never go out with anyone except Lily. Though Lace is much better at getting over stuff so she'll hopefully get over the small crush soon.

Fae would have ended up like every other girl who dated Sirius by now had they not stopped it from happening. Fae is like a little sister to them and they are not letting anything happen to her.

"What are you doing here?" Shay sneers. She literally get worst than when she's around Slytherins when she's around these boys. And that's bad.

The thing about the marauders and them is that they each have their own enemy for a different reason.

Lace hates Sirius Black because of what he does to all the girls from Hogwarts and because of Fae's crush on him, that he so obviously ignores or takes advantage of.

Fae hates James because of Lace's crush on him and the fact that he walks around the school like he owns the place. Oh and the fact that James once pulled down Timmy's trousers in front of the entire school.

And Shay, well Shay hates Remus because he always looks so innocent yet he takes part in every single prank that the marauders pull. No teachers even blame him which makes her hate him even more.

Say their reasons aren't good enough but those are the reasons they hate the marauders.


I don't know why but this seemed to take forever to write. Okay, I know it sounds kind of cliché at the moment but I promise near the end of the book and up, it is completely different to most plots. Just stay with me until then!!!! Thanks for reading!!

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