Chapter 6

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Louis POV:

381 days depressed.

And I wake up uncomfortable, cold and pillow-less. What vile ignoble creature would do such a thing?

Oh yeah. Jay.

Waking up on the cold concrete floor with no comfort at all is not as fun as it usually is when you wake up after a killer party.

Or there the same I just can't remember because of my killer headache I usually have?

I lay on the floor for 10 to 20 minuets tops before I hear the recognisable thumps coming from the demons shoes.

I don't want to have him beat the shit out of me because of me being awake before him, so I shut my eyes and pretend to sleep.

He entered into he room and I'll admit I shat myself a bit.

He undid the ropes that where holding me down and tugged me up till I was standing on my feet.

"Now slut, we are going to see those 'friends' of yours I'll get my money and you go back to that perfect little life that you have." the monster whispered into my ear while pulling me out into the hallway. "okay?"

"O-okay." I stuttered out. Why am I so fucking nervous this never happens to me.

I hadn't seen any of this ugly demolished building, only the small room I was held captive in.

The building was so run down but very familiar, I just cant remember where I've seen it before. Jay drags me down the sad excuse of a hallway to the front door. 

He trows me through the door and shoves me into the back of a van. On the inside im screaming I just want to be home and worrying if im gonna see harry or not, and worrying if im going to get harry to love me or will I die alone?

The drive to this 'warehouse' wasn't long and in no time I was being ripped out of the van and brought into this old warehouse.

There is a clock on the wall in the corner that reads that its currently 1 hour before they should get here.

"Slut your little followers have an hour to get here or else something bad will happen to you. Okay." Jay said while pushing me onto a chair and tying me down. 

I wanted to reply with a smart-arse comment but I held myself back. I didn't want to be hit again. All of me hurts from his abuse.

I couldn't move my arms or legs and I started feeling. I just need harry and the crew to get here quick. Or just Harry. Whatever floats your boat.

I can see Jay walking around, when I hear the squeak of a door. I look to where the sound came and see a fellow with grey hair come through the door. I cant see his face because he has sunnys over his eyes and a bandana over his mouth. 

I see the unknown man is dressed in all leather and black. He must be a bikie.

He slowly takes his glasses off and I see he has piercing blue eyes just like mine.

It then hits me like a ton of bricks. The familiar eyes these eyes that taunted me since I was 10. I looked him straight in the eyes and he slowly walked over to me. 

I hadn't seen that man since I was 15. As he slowly walked towards me I saw everything he did to me. I saw the anger flash through his eyes when I told him I was gay. I saw my blood on his knuckles after he punched me for the first time. I heard the words he screamed to me as the police car drove away. As he walked closer the fear ran through my veins. 

My dad was finally back.


Hi Guys,

Sorry its hella short.

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry SORRY.

Im so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for like what taking for 198420923095719238757932 years to update?

Ill try to update more frequently.

I now have school that decides to give me like 7 assignments due all on the same week and like 500000 tests all in the same weeks. 

And at the same time I am trying to update my Youtube every Friday…… That hasn't been going to plan either.

Sorry for the like piles and piles of excuses but ill try my best.

I have left you at a cliff-hanger and so I will leave it at that for now.


~Tara Hogan

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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