Rest In Peace, Ashton

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Juliet's POV

I'm engaged to the man I love with all of my heart. I'll soon be known as Juliet Carolyn Fuentes. Ahh! It's so much to take in at once! I've been talking to Ashton a lot. She's been doing really good in the new school she goes to. Warped Tour soon is going to end, sadly. I had a lot of fun these past 2 years going on tour. I've met a lot of new friends. Beau Bokan, Jack Barakat, Alex Gaskarth, Ronnie Radke, Jayy Von Monroe, Dahvie Vanity and a lot of other people. They're all amazing. Oh! And Andy Biersack and those guys. They're all amazingly sweet.

"Hey, Juls, you almost ready?" Kellin asked knocking on the bathroom door. "Yeah, almost. 5 seconds." I called back. We're going to a bonfire tonight. I decided to wear sweats and a Falling In Reverse tanktop. I have like 100 band t-shirts now. "Alright." Kellin yelled back. I walked out of the bathroom and slipping on my black and pink vans. "You're going to get hot in that." Kellin laughed and hugged me. "Oh well, I don't feel like getting all dressed up. Sweats and tanktop is fine for me." I said hugging him back. "Touche." Jesse laughed and kissed my forehead when he went to the bathroom. "Let's go!" Jack yelled and jumped off the bus.

I haven't seen Vic all night. It was 9:30pm now. It's dusk. Where is he? "Hey, brudder. Where's Vic?" I asked Kellin. "I don't know sis. Have you tried texting him?" He asked taking another drink of his beer. "Yeah, but no reply. I think I'm gonna go check his bus. Jaime, Tony and Mike are here. But no Vic." I said and handed him my lemonade. I'm not a heavy drinker, well I just don't drink at all. I started walking towards the buses are usually parked. I found the Pierce The Veil bus and knocked on the door. No answer. "What in the world?" I muttered to myself and opened the door.

Kellin's POV

Juliet has been gone for a good 45 minutes. It doesn't take 45 minutes to get to Vic and back. I'm worried about her now. "Hey Justin. I'll be back, I'm going to go check on Juliet." I stood up and threw my beer away. "Hey Quinn!" I heard Tony Perry yell. "What's up?" I asked shaking his hand and giving him a bro hug. "I'm gonna come with you. I'm beat." He said and I started laughing. I nodded my head and walked to the PTV bus.

Juliet's POV

"Vic, baby, why aren't you at the bonfire with us?" I asked holding onto him tightly. He was in the shower the whole time we were there. "I was taking a shower, then I got a call from Ashton's dad." Vic explained holding onto me tightly. There was a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it. It was Kellin and Tony. "Hey brudder, hey Tony." I laughed giving them both a hug. "Juliet, please sit down. You're going to be upset after this." Vic said gently pulling me down to him. He didn't cheat on me, did he? "Baby, I didn't cheat on you." I sighed in relief. "Ashton, she's dead." Everything stopped right then. No, she can't be dead. I was talking to her earlier! How did this? No, she just can't be dead. "No, that's impossible! I was talking to her earlier!" I cried and paced around the room. "She had lukemia, Juls. She knew she was going to die anyways. She's not suffering anymore." Vic explained and held onto me tighter. I sobbed and just cried. I can't believe that the only person who I pretty much made a best friend with, who helped me out while I was in the hospital besides the guys, is gone.

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