Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

And I went into town, to the church where John and Paul met at a fete. It was pretty much disserted that area. It was just a field; just a church, but I still kind of loved it. I took a deep breath and smiled, closing my eyes. If I tried hard enough, I could pretend to hear John’s voice singing the old hits of Liverpool, like Maggie Mae

But, I wasn’t pretending. And when I opened my eyes, you can pretty much guess what happened. This time travel crap was seriously getting ridiculous. I looked up from practically the middle of a crowd. The clothes looked 50’s so the obvious answer was….well yeah.  I looked around and saw Mimi, she was standing at a distance looking from John to Julia who was near the stage with Julia and Jackie. I turned around the other way and saw none other than young Paul McCartney! I couldn’t help myself! I skipped over to him and literally hugged him, just overcome with excitement.

“Oh! Hello love!” he laughed as I untangled myself from him. I smiled up and nodded.

“Hello. I’m Beth Halsey.” I held out my hand. He shook it.

“Paul. Paul McCartney.” He smiled sort of flirtingly. On instinct, I flirted back. It’s not my fault! It always happened with every guy I met. Anyways, back to the story. I looked up at the stage, smiling, and saw John staring us. I didn’t really didn’t think anything of it, so I turned back to Paul. We chatted, laughed, and listened to John’s band.

“Their good, aren’t they?” I looked up at him.

“Yeah, their alright.” He shrugged and his hand brushed mine. Things had gone too far. John’s band finished and I watched him watch me as they all headed into the church. A man who I can only assume is Ivan came over.

“Paul, come on, mate.” Paul turned to me with a regretful smile.

“Sorry. I’ll see you later?” I almost laughed.

“No doubt.” I sort of smirked as Paul followed Ivan with his guitar strung over hit back. I sighed as I followed them, knowing that where they were going, John would be there.

I was at the doors when the pleasantries were exchanged weirdly enough. I saw John and Paul circle each other like cats. Then he started to sing ‘Twenty Flight Rock’. At the angle where I stood, I could see a slight grin on Paul’s face.

“What’s with the face then, mate?” John asked, taking a sip of beer. “It about a girl?” Paul’s face turned red.

“Yeah, it is actually.” He challenged. “One I met out there.” He pointed towards the door where I was, so I pulled away but then looked back. “Her name’s Beth Halsey. Heard of her?” he sounded actually curious. John’s eyes were furious but his face calm, and his friends behind him looked at each other. I figured that now was a good a time as any to announce myself. So I skipped out from behind the corner like I had no idea of what was going on. I smiled at the group and tried to kiss John on the cheek, but he turned his head and crushed his lips to mine roughly; Not in a good way. I pushed him away, but lightly. I knew how much he depended on his reputation. He pulled away and held me to his frame, his arm around my waist. I leaned against him slightly and smiled at a surprised Paul.

“I like your sound.” I added. I knew that John was gonna give him hell for this all. Everyone knew he wasn’t the most level headed when it came to his girls. Paul smirked at the attempt.

“Thanks love,” he spoke off instinct. John held on closer to me.

“You sound alright.” John smirked. I sighed. John looked down at me and slid his hand into mine. “Excuse me lads,” he almost sneered and led me to a smallish room away from all of the group. As he closed the door, I was getting fed up.

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