16-After Fair Party

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Hana's POV

I stared at the club room. It was dark out and everyone but the hosts had left after the fireworks had finished. The school year was over and now the club was in recess. I stated, "It's strange." Kyoya asked, "What's strange?"

I thought about it for a few moments. I stated, "It's strange that I won't be seeing the same host club ever again." Haruhi said, "That is right..." Honey stated, "It's fine. Let's have a party at my place tomorrow."

Tamaki said, "Brilliant Honey! Tomorrow we shall dine with Honey senpai. Tomorrow we will make merry, and live as though the next day would never come. We the hosts, and Hana, shall celebrate our camaraderie! For this school year has been amazing... and... and..."

Tamaki burst into tears, "This is the year Honey senpai and Mori senpai graduate..." Then he ran over to his corner. That's the truth of it.

The whole room looked a little sad at the news except Kyoya and those two. Yet I know he doesn't like it either. Those two, I know they'll miss us and the club after graduating.

Honey smiled, "Come on guys Takashi, Usa-chan and I will still visit. It won't be all the time... Yet we will, I promise." Takashi agreed with, "He's right."


Kyoya and I pulled up. Since it was going to be extremely casual we toned it down. We only wore designer clothes though. Kyoya had on jeans and a light purple t-shirt. I had on a grey cashmere sweater and black pants. We both had one of my emergency pens in our pockets.

Kyoya had both our wallets to try and let me only have stuff in my front pocket. Kyoya pulled his phone out, "Five minutes early." I let my hands rest onto the pocket with my phone, "Should I call?"

He shook his head no and we headed up to the front door. After the door opened we were greeted by a butler. He stared at me for a moment, "Master Mitsukuni is on the second floor, and I'm afraid we don't have an elevator miss." Kyoya sighed, "We'll figure it out."

The butler lead us to the stairs then bowed and headed off again. Kyoya said, "I'll call Mori senpai." I said, "I don't need Takashi. I'll try to do it." He looked at me with an underlying look of don't do it.

He said, "No. You aren't far enough along in physical therapy to hand stairs yet. You can't entirely stand without support. Yes, I know you're getting better. I get it Hana. Yet I'm not going to allow you to walk this grand flight of stairs."

I sighed, "Fine." After being on the phone for just a few moments the call was over. Then I noticed him at the top of the stairs. Takashi had on dark washed jeans and a dark blue t-shirt. Takashi walked down them and gently picked me in my wheelchair up. When we reach the top of the stairs he set me back down again.

We followed him in silence until we reached Honey's room. When we arrived Mitsukuni pounced off his bed and ran over to us. He had on black shorts and a pink t-shirt. He said, "Kyo-chan, Hana-chan..."

He gave me a soft hug, "I'm surprised you're the first ones here." He let go and stated, "I'm sorry Hana-chan. I didn't really consider that we only had a staircase." I said, "It's fine. No worries, Honey."

Then the door opened, "We're here." I automatically knew it was the twins. Then afterwards I heard a few more footsteps, "I'm here! I brought my darling daughter too!" I heard a blunt, "Hey senpais."

I stated from my chair, "Hi." Honey said, "Everyone is here. Let the party begin!" I stared at Takashi as he stood silently beside Honey. Why does he hold my attention?


I sat in my wheelchair in the living room. Honey was asleep on the couch with a pink blanket and Usa-chan. The twins laid on an air mattress in the floor. A blue blanket covered the two as the snuggled up to each other. Haruhi laid with her head towards the chair and legs over one side.

She had a grey blanket that had been dramatically draped on her by Tamaki. Kyoya had went upstairs to sleep in a guest room. Tamaki was asleep on the floor beside the chair beside Haruhi. He only had a blanket covering him as he laid on the wood floor.

Takashi came back into the living room with a bottle of water. He said, "Hana?" I said, "Yes?" He stated, "I'm surprised you're still up." I said, "Yeah. I didn't expect a movie marathon of three movies." He came over to me and sat down beside me and the wheelchair.

He laid his head against my thigh. He said, "Hana..." I said, "Yes, Takashi?" He said, "I've fallen in love with you." I was left slightly shocked. Takashi actually loves me. Wait... Is love what I've been feeling all the time? The feeling I couldn't describe.

I said, "I'm pretty sure that... That I love you too." He stood up and I noticed his smile. I questioned, "Takashi?" He didn't say a word yet gently picked me up. He picked me up bridal style and rocked me like a baby.

I said, "T-Takashi..." He responded, "Shh... Just go to sleep. You're a baby to me..." I relaxed and let him rock me. I started to let sleep take me. The last thing I heard was, "You're not just a baby to me. You're my baby."

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