Story Status Update

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Dear Reader, 

We've been on this train since 2014 and for a moment I thought I would add the "next book" onto this one. But that didn't sit well with me. As an author or even a reader, we expect a book to have a beginning, middle, and an end. For Possibility of the Future, we reached the end at chapter twenty. So instead of literally putting two books under the same title, I've decided to do the right thing and make them separate entities. So, chapter twenty-one? That's chapter one of the next book and it'll still be chapter one when I make the separate title in "My Works" which should be in a matter of minutes as soon as I come up with a blurb. So expect that. The title: The Future in My Veins. 

I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who stuck with this story for the last four/five years. You managed to not give up over my lack of updates or pester me for updates. Being a single mom to two kids has been--a stressful, yet joyful experience thus far. If you've never been in charge of a tiny human that looks an awful lot like you, then you may not completely understand but you can relate. There's not much time to yourself, to do things you might want to do that make you an individual. Someone can get lost in that so props to the single parents out there holding down the fort, raising decent kids, and yet still managing to have a small piece of life that's separate from children. Thankfully though I've finished college (bachelors in English), am currently looking for a full-time job (this is extremely frustrating as I hate talking about myself), and have more time to write without taking time away from my kids. So I should have more time to devote to getting back into writing which means updates should come back into regular fashion. 


Sarah <3 

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