Too Good To Be True

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Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for a while but you're not sure how he'll feel when you tell him you're pregnant.

Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for a while but you're not sure how he'll feel when you tell him you're pregnant

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You and Bucky had been in a relationship for about 2 years now and everything just seemed too good to be true. When you first joined the Avenger's you and Bucky didn't seem to get along but the more and more you found out about each other the closer you got and before you knew it you were kissing on the couch after watching one of your favourite movies. 

Since then the rest was history. Until today. You had noticed your period was slightly late, which didn't alarm you at first since the stress of the job sometimes caused that but then some food you enjoyed started making you feel queasy, so you thought you had better take a test just to prove to yourself that it wasn't because you were pregnant that these things were happening. 

You went through your normal routine, waking up next to Bucky and him placing a soft kiss to your forehead before leaving to go and make some coffee, because you were certainly not a morning person and refused to get out of bed before morning coffee. However, this morning you took that opportunity to dash into the bathroom and take the pregnancy test. 

The instructions said it would take at least 10 minutes for the result and you sighed in frustration, knowing full well that Bucky would be back before then. Right on cue you could hear him call your name in a question. You hurriedly left the bathroom not wanting him to walk in and you smile at him holding 2 mugs of hot coffee. "You okay doll? You're usually still in bed until I get you some coffee", his voice is still a bit rough from sleep and you couldn't help smile at that and the fact that he knows you so damn well.

 "Yeah, I'm okay, just couldn't hold in the need for a pee", you give a sheepish smile and shrug your shoulders as he makes his way over to you handing you your mug. He wraps his free hand around your waist and kisses the top of your head before saying, "okay well Clint came over and he's brought the kids with him, so let's go help him out", He starts to steer us out the door, but you twirl away from him and say, "let me just freshen up okay? I'll be 5 minutes tops", you flash him your brightest smile and he chuckles, "okay but any longer and I'm coming for you", he winks and then he's out the door. 

You wait a couple seconds to make sure he's not coming back before rushing into the bathroom. You pick up the test and it takes you a few seconds to comprehend what you're seeing. You put the test down and sit on the edge of the bath putting your head in your hands. You were pregnant, and you had no idea how Bucky was going to react. 

It wasn't something you had spoken about with him, you weren't even sure if he wanted kids. You sit there a little longer contemplating what to do, knowing full well you couldn't hide this from him all day because he'd read on your face that something was wrong. So, you decided that you were going to rip the band aid off and just tell him. 

You marched down the hall and towards the living space, following the giggling of Clint's children. You were about to call out his name when you rounded the corner and stopped. You leaned against the entryway watching Bucky laughing and smiling playing hide and seek with the kids. It brought a smile to your lips but playing with children for a few hours was much different to raising them and just like that your smile faded and your forehead creased in worry. 

You didn't realise Bucky was there until he wrapped his arms around your waist peering down at you. "You sure you're okay doll? I could feel you worrying about something from across the room", you could feel him chuckle, but you ignored his question and gazed into his eyes before stating, "you'd make a good dad". He looked at you more closely before saying "I don't know, its something a part of me always wanted...", he trailed off when he noticed a tear had slid down your cheek. He brushed it away with his thumb gently before cupping your face, "what's wrong doll? You're starting to scare me", you close your eyes and whisper back to him, "you said 'wanted', as in past tense"

"Y/N, that doesn't matter right now, just tell me what's wrong?", he was completely oblivious to where the conversation was leading so you decided to just say it instead of beating round the bush. "Bucky, I...I'm pregnant. I took a test this morning and it came back positive", you sigh and close your eyes not wanting to see his expression turn to horror or watch him struggle to explain that he doesn't want it. But you feel his arms tighten around your waist as he pulls you close and twirls you around. You squeal not expecting that to happen and open your eyes to see his bright blue ones full of happiness. "Y/N, that's great news! You know you just made me the happiest man alive right now?", he cupped your face softy and kissed you passionately. You smiled against his lips thinking life is too good to be true and you were more than happy to live with that. 

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