Violet sees Clover

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"This is it Logan you ready?" Kendall asks him

"Ready as I'll ever be i guess" Logan says as they were going to go in the room quietly so they could meet her and let her know that she has been adopted and that her sister was adopted too

Kendall and Logan saw that she was turning in her sleep a little bit

"Violet it's okay" Logan says as he picks her up and holds her against him to calm her down and ease her cries cause she was very upset for some strange reason or another

Violet opened her eyes and saw that someone else was holding her

"Violet I'm your new papa" Logan says as he was looking at her

"I am your new daddy" Kendall tells her

"We adopted you and your sister" Logan says to her

Violet was on cloud nine as she was looking at her daddies cause she was okay without a mommy at the moment

"Come here big girl" Logan says as he was going to pick her up and hold her for a little bit cause he loved her

"Can i see my friend?" she asks them

"Sure, why not" Kendall says to her cause she had a friend here, so it was fitting to see her or him


Violet knew her friend was behind those doors, and she was hoping she could see her

"Hey, Violet, we just spoke to the staff at the orphanages, and the hospital, and you can come and see Clover for a little bit" Louis says as he came out to see her for a little bit cause she has been wanting to see her friend for a long time, so Louis and Niall were going to do everything they could to get those girls back together

Violet was happy about that a lot

"Your papa can bring you in since you have to be with a guardian, or one of us when you visit her" Louis says as he holds the door open for her to come in

"Come on baby" Logan says as they head in to see Clover and make her day a little better

Kendall was going to take the baby home and get her settled and come back to get Logan so they could have a night with just one baby

"I see she has finally got adopted" Louis says as he was looking at Violet

"Yeah, she is just perfect" Logan says to Louis

Louis tells Logan that Violet has cancer as well and she has been doing worthy cause Louis and Niall have been watching out for the little girl until she got a proper family that could love her cause they wanted to be with Clover as much as they could right now, and Clover just opened her eyes as well and was asking for her friend so Louis was going to get the little girl for her so they could have a reunion  

"Violet we will take extra exceptional care of you baby girl and we will be right here with you" Logan says as he holds her and gives her a big hug cause he had loved her more than ever right now

"Violet I am going to bring Clover out cause you still aren't allowed back here, but the nurses are allowing her out of the room for the reunion" Louis says as he goes back to see her and get her so her friend can see her again and they can have a reunion for sure 

Violet started to cry cause she was going to see her friend again and they were going to be reunited

(Clover's room)

"Clover sweetie Violet new parents are with her, and she is waiting to see you" Louis says as he comes to get the little girl, so they could have a reunion  

Clover smiled cause she was happy to see Violet as well and they could play a little bit cause she is feeling better than ever right now cause the treatments were working and she was slowly getting better, and she could leave the hospital to go home  

"Can i see her daddy?" Clover asks him

"Yes, the nurses are allowing you out of your room so you can see her for the first time cause she is very excited to see you baby girl" Louis says as he carries her to where Violet was


"Well Violet here she is" Louis says as he brings Clover out so Violet could see her 

Logan set Violet down and Louis set Clover down so they could hug again just like before 

"Ohh that is so sweet" Logan says when he sees the girls hug it out   

"Yeah, Clover is getting better so she will be coming back to the other side in time" Louis says as the dads were letting the girl's bond for a bit 

The girls headed to the playroom to play for a while  

The girls will start to come home little by little in the future and they will have all sorts of appointments, so they can stay healthy and have different treatments as well, and the adventures start as they continue their journey      

Adopted by Nouis & Kogan (a childhood cancer fic)Where stories live. Discover now