Part 3

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Louis and Logan bone marrow was a match for the girls so the hospital was going to schedule the transplant before Christmas so the girls can start their journey to being cancer free as well and hopefully in the new year they would be cancer free and won't have to go through anymore treatment as well and come to the hospital only for a check-up and when they came for their check-up and will hope and pray that their cancer does not go into remission at all and they could live full lives they just after to worry about their check-ups once they got the all clear as well

"Now to schedule the bone marrow transplant for our girls" Logan says as he was crying tears of joy right now that he was a match for his little girl and Louis could not believe he was match as well for his girl too so the transplants will go forward in a few weeks for both of the girls and hopefully they won't have to go through round two of the bone marrow to fight this cancer and if it goes to that it goes to that and they will be matched once again for them

"Yes that will be a happy day and hopefully the bone marrow works and our girls will be cured of this horrible disease that they have and they will be normal kids and live normal lives hopefully and hopefully the cancer never comes back around for more then we will have to go through this a second time to get them cured and I will go through this as much as possible to have my princess not be sick anymore either cause that is what I want for Christmas this year if it can happen cause I don't like seeing her sick as she is" Louis says as he was crying tears of joy as well that the bone marrow transplant was going to be scheduled in time and they could move on from this horrible tragedy that they were living in and that they were apart of as well which was never ever going to be easy on them at all either they were hoping that the bone marrow was going to be a success and it will cure the cancer that the girls have

"Me too Louis I am hopeful that this procedure is going to go good and we will have our girls be normal kids and not have to fight for their lives at all either cause cancer decided to drop in and put a damper on their childhood that they were going to have, and I'm hoping that this cures that evil cancer and the girls can be normal kids and live normal lives and have this all behind them once again and never have to go back down this awful road at all either" Logan says as he was crying happy tears with Louis as well cause they were a match for their girls and they were going to be getting better maybe hopefully as well too

Louis and Logan were going to get the bone marrow part scheduled cause the girls were going to get the bone marrow that same day and they were going to be admitted as well to check for complications from the transplant cause every drop of that bone marrow was going to be precious to them cause their papa's were going to be saving their lives and hopefully curing them as well in the long run as well too hopefully and they will never ever have to return to the hospital for treatment for their cancer at all either and they were hoping that they were not going to have a relapse as well with their cancer to have them comeback to do it all over again cause that was going to be devastating to the parents as well cause that will mean they will have to go through the process of donating their Bo e marrow once again to the girls to get them better again and hopefully they will not have to go through it for a third time at all either and they were hoping that the cancer was not going to go all the way at all either and they will have to enter hospice care at the end cause that was not going to be good at all either cause the dads will have to say goodbye to their girls or girl depending if it's both girls who take a turn for the worse and they are close to death as well and both dads know that life was not going to be the same after they pass on


The bone marrow was scheduled to be done in a couple of weeks and Logan and Louis could not wait for that day to come that way their girls can start to feel better and like themselves as well and have this be behind them as well which was going to be a happy day for them

"Now to stay healthy do the Bone marrow can still happen for these girls" Louis says as they were leaving the hospital to go to the car to wait it out for the girls to be done cause they were still not allowed back there as they were getting their chemo treatment done

"Yes and try not to get sick and stay away from people who are sick and who can put this in jeopardy and ruin the girls chances at getting more better then what they are cause they are still sick from the cancer and their immune systems are not as strong as it should be so we need to keep our immune systems up as high as they can do so we are healthy enough for the bone marrow transplant to occur for the girls and they were going to be drinking a lot of juice and water and washing their hands" Logan says as he was looking at Louis right now cause he knew they could not risk nothing right now with the ball rolling for the girl to get them better and back to being normal girls once again and not having them being sick like how they are right now cause the treatments were taking them down and taking them harder then ever right now and it was just the beginning sadly

"Correct so we might have to go back to wearing masks for this whole process but it is going to be worth it in the long run" Louis says as he was looking at Logan cause he was right if they wanted to stay healthy and get through this for their girls who were going to need them to be healthy for this to work

"Yeah and anything for those girls of ours cause they are so worth it in the long run" Logan says as he was looking at him cause nothing could go wrong leading up to this procedure they were going to be having done

Hopefully a brand new chapter will be coming when the views are up more then what they are now hopefully and I got another Saturday off like I got today out of the blue cause I ended up working on Sunday and a long shift on Sunday and I opened on Monday and I had to have another day off cause i could not work six days straight even though I wanted to for the help but I had to have another day off so I got cut today and I am off but next Saturday forget it I am not going to be off for another while longer cause the boss at bolivar fractured her hip so I'm working

Part 4 next day off definitely

Adopted by Nouis & Kogan (a childhood cancer fic)Where stories live. Discover now