Part 2

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Logan and Kendall from big time rush were looking at the room they had finished up cause they were ready to start their family

"Let's go down to the orphanage and see which two girls will be perfect" Logan says as he was in the nursery of the baby's room

"Yeah i think we are ready" Kendall says as he looks at Logan as he was looking at the crib

Kendall and Logan headed there with the car seat for the baby and something for the older girl


"Okay let's see which two sisters are perfect" Kendall says as they were looking through the updated book cause some got adopted out

"Violet looks adorable" Kendall says when he saw her picture

"Yeah and look at her sister" Logan says when he saw the baby

"Can we see the baby?" Kendall asks the worker

The worker brings the baby in for them to see

"Kenny I love her look at her eyes" Logan says as he was going to hold the baby

"I know they are a real pretty blue" Kendall says as he was looking at the baby that Logan had

"Where is Violet?" Logan

"She is in the hospital cause she has Leukemia" Kendall says as a worker explains where Violet was

"My word" Logan says as he was still holding the baby in his arms

"We have to adopt her" Kendall says as he was looking at Logan

"Yeah we have to adopt both of them the baby is super cute" Logan says as he was rocking the baby cause she was fussy

"She looks like she is hungry" Kendall says when he saw her bones on her tiny frame and that was scaring him a lot right now

"I think so too" Logan says as he was going to see if he could get a bottle for the baby as well so she could get some food in her system maybe two bottles depending on how hungry she is

"Plus we have to come up with a name for her" Kendall says as he was still looking at the baby that Logan had

"I like Macy for her" Logan says as he was still looking at her

"I don't know i wanna go earth friendly for her name" Kendall says to Logan

"Okay I think she should have a sunny name for her name" Logan says as he was still looking at her

"Aureila fits her to a t" Kendall says as he was looking at her

"Aureila Macy Henderson-Schmidt can be her name" Logan says as he was still looking at her

"I love it for her and Violet can have a sunny middle name cause she needs it right now" Kendall says to Logan as they were ready to sign the papers so they could adopt the girls

"Violet Phoenix sounds perfect for her" Kendall says as he was still looking at her picture

"Violet Phoenix Henderson-Schmidt is her full name" Logan says as he says the full name

"I love it let's go see her" Kendall says as he kisses Logan on the lips

"Yeah let's" Logan says as he had Aureila in his arms cause he loved her a lot as well and he wanted to be her papa when she got older in life as well

Logan and Kendall was loving on Aureila as they left with her to take her home

(The Henderson-Schmidt house)

"Well pretty girl this is where you and sissy will grow up at" Kendall says as he was looking at her as she was looking up at her new parents

Logan was going to change her and get her ready to go to the hospital so they could tell Violet she has a family now

"Now to go to  the hospital and see Violet" Kendall says as he gets the other bag that was packed just in case their little one was in the hospital

"Yes and let her know that she is our daughter now" Logan says as they were going to take the van to the hospital that night cause they were going to be adopting more kids down the road and if they had one that had to be in a wheelchair they had a vehicle that could have a wheelchair added if need be 

"I can't wait to see her and maybe be with her and see how she is doing with her treatment as well" Kendall says as he was grabbing Aureila, so they could go to the hospital    

"Me either i know she is a strong little girl" Logan says as he was going to drive


"We have her room number now to see her" Kendall says as he was going to get the stroller out of the backseat 

"Yup" Logan says as he was going to go to the gift shop to get her a gift so she could feel special and make her feel welcomed to the family as well 

 Logan go her the perfect gift and he could not wait to take it up to her, and show it to her as well cause it was a special day for her 

(Violet's room)

"This is it Logan you ready?" Kendall asks him 

"Ready as I'll ever be i guess" Logan says as they were going to go in the room quietly so they could meet her and let her know that she has been adopted and that her sister was adopted too 

Kendall and Logan saw that she was turning in her sleep a little bit

"Violet it's okay" Logan says as he picks her up and holds her against him to calm her down and ease her cries cause she was very upset for some strange reason or another 

Violet opened her eyes and saw that someone else was holding her 

"Violet I'm your new papa" Logan says as he was looking at her 

"I am your new daddy" Kendall tells her 

"We adopted you and your sister" Logan  says to her  

Violet was on cloud nine as she was looking at her daddies cause she was okay without a mommy at the moment 

"Come here big girl" Logan says as he was going to pick her up and hold her for a little bit cause he loved her 

"Can i see my friend?" she asks them 

"Sure why not" Kendall says to her cause she had a friend here so it was fitting to see her or him 


Violet knew her friend was behind those doors and she was hoping she could see her 

Violet sees her friend is coming maybe next week

Merry Christmas 

Happy new year 

Adopted by Nouis & Kogan (a childhood cancer fic)Where stories live. Discover now