BONUS: Barnaby POV

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"I want you to work with us instead of Merula."

Ever since I accepted her offer following a duel, I never saw Jacob's little sister the same way again.

Of course I heard of Jacob Lin. When my father read that article in The Daily Prophet highlighting his disappearance, he warned me not to go about making trouble with the rebels, the ones who would break the rules to get what they wanted--specifically, anyone who had anything to do with Jacob. Easy for him to say, though--he was working with the Dark Lord before his downfall when I was younger. But it was at that time when he told me to lose myself in working on my physique. Only with strength would I be less prone to weakness.

And I tried. I tried to prove my strength and power to Clara, to show that I was unafraid of tearing her limb to limb the first time we met, but some time in the middle of third year I began to see her in a different light. It wasn't from the Dungbomb she set off with Tulip--although I forgave her a while ago for that incident, since it was really meant for Merula. It was from her dedication, and her ability to keep her head high in times of trouble. Her courage and bravery suited her well for a Gryffindor, and something about her commitment to academics and finding her brother seemed to draw me to her.

It was kind of like seeing a unicorn in the wilderness, and no matter how hard I tried to reach toward it, it would continue to shy away.

But I opened up to her after the duel. I told her about my childhood, and she accepted it. She didn't call me off for my mistakes; rather, she forgave me for them, and she gave me a chance at redemption. She saw me for me. And although I found a home in the tight-knit friendship circle of hers, she would always have a special place in my heart.

It soon became my vow to protect her no matter the cost. Just seeing her smile, or cry, or tell me all her problems made it enough for me to do anything to save her.

As the Christmas holidays rolled around, Professor Snape came around with a sign up sheet asking who would be staying over at Hogwarts for the festivities. I signed up immediately, knowing that this would be a good chance for me to stay by Clara's side in case she needed me. To my luck, she was staying behind for the holidays too, and the thought of seeing her everyday made me smile without even thinking too hard about it.

Meanwhile, Merula and Ismelda were both leaving for the holidays. It turned out that Merula was going to stay over at Ismelda's for Christmas. Liz was also heading home to see her family, which was okay with me.

Nothing else really mattered when Clara's around.


"You almost got it, Clara. Just focus."

As I was wandering around the lower corridors one day, I heard Rowan's voice float from one of the empty classrooms not too far from where I stood. Curiosity piqued in me as I went over to the classroom, opening the door just a fraction.

"Oh! Barnaby. Hey," Rowan greeted me, a surprised smile on her face. "Come in. I was just helping Clara with the Patronus Charm."

I wasn't sure if that was a good idea, now that I saw Clara standing in the middle of the classroom with the same cross expression on her face--the very expression I saw weeks ago, before we became a thing. Her forehead gleamed with sweat, and the ponytail that held her hair back hung loosely down the locks of her long black hair. Her sleeves were rolled up, and from her wand there came faint silver mist hissing from the tip. The moment she saw me, though, her face relaxed in a smile as well--a warm one that warmed my chest and set my stomach into a back flip.

"Hey, Barnaby," Clara said with a wave. "You're staying at Hogwarts for the holidays too?"

"Yeah. I thought it'd be nice to experience holidays at Hogwarts," I told her with a nod. "But I just want to spend more time with you, too."

This brought a huge grin on Clara's face, her face relaxing significantly. "Aw, Barnaby. That's really sweet," she said genuinely, a little giggle escaping her mouth.

Those little mannerisms. Beneath the tough exterior, she was still a little girl at heart, and it captivated me.

Rowan just laughed, though, clapping her hands. "You think you can do it, Clara?"

Clara nodded, but not before reaching her hand out to me--a simple gesture that needed no words. Our fingers intertwined, palms barely grazing against each other as she let our hands drop to our sides. Then she raised her wand.

"Expecto Patronum!"

I had no idea what was going on in her mind, but as she brought her wand down, I saw a powerful bright light emerge from the tip of her wand, and a majestic horse of some sort emerged from her wand, cantering around the classroom at high speed.

The animal meant nothing to me, but Clara's eyes widened at the sight. Rowan also looked very confused instead of pleased, like I had expected. As the horse slowed down and approached Clara, her eyes softened, almost in wonder.

"M-mom?" she whispered. 

The horse whinnied once, and then it faded away into thin air.

"What..." Rowan murmured, turning to Clara. "That's your Patronus?"

"Apparently." Clara shrugged nonchalantly, turning towards me. "But at least I did it. And I can't have done it without you, Barnaby."

What did the horse have to do with Clara's mother? And did I really help her cast a full-fledged Patronus? Was I the reason she's happy? Questions began to roll through my head, but for now, I cast them away. I simply smiled as I let go of her hand to bring her into a hug, my arms wrapped firmly around her.

I wasn't sure if I was imagining Rowan close to the edge of squealing in laughter, but feeling Clara's arms around me hugging me just as tight made me want to float.

Troublemaker or not, rebel or not, she was special. And I would do anything, anything, to make sure she's safe.

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