Chapter 9

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"The incantation for the Shield Charm is Protego," Madam Rakepick instructed me, putting her hands on her hips. "It works for both incoming spells and physical objects. You must visualize a barrier protecting you from the attack for it to be effective."

It sounded a little weird coming out of my mouth a few times, but eventually the incantation flowed through my tongue like a river of Butterbeer, the shield formed from my wand strengthening with time. Despite me grasping the concepts quicker than I normally would in Charms, Madam Rakepick still found ways for me to correct my flaws, nudging my limbs to correct my stance. When at last I felt like I would drop from exhaustion, blinking once more at the shimmering bubble-like membrane rippling in front of me, Madam Rakepick nodded and clapped at my attempt.

"Excellent work, Ms. Lin. You're truly as talented as they say," she simply complimented.

I only managed to nod and wipe off the sweat that accumulated over my forehead, my throat practically parched from muttering the incantation over and over. "I suppose power does develop with time."

"Indeed. Of course, it could only happen when someone dedicated to magic comes across a wand." Madam Rakepick eventually walked over until she was standing not too far from me, her wand out at the ready. "Now, when I cast the Blasting Charm, you're to cast the Shield Charm to block it."

The Blasting Charm? Even if I've never learned it, I knew enough to know it sounded dangerous.

"Isn't the Blasting Charm deadly?" I asked, tilting my head a bit in confusion.

"I realize we just met, Ms. Lin. But if something isn't deadly, it doesn't appeal to me at all."

She then brandished her wand at me, her eyes wild with fire. "Confringo!"

I was barely fast enough to see the red jet of light coming towards me; without another thought, I raised my arm up and cast the Shield Charm, relieved to see the red sparks fly away from my protective bubble.

"Wow. You're quite the powerful pupil," Madam Rakepick said with a nod and a slight smile. "I'm impressed."

"Don't you see why I wanted to find the Vaults alone?" I finally asked her, pocketing my wand and dusting myself off. 

"I do. But you may not be able to do that if you can't get over your weakness against the Dementors." Madam Rakepick chuckled softly and approached me. "I can teach you a spell to repel them, but you need your rest right now. I'll send you another owl when I know you're ready."

"Is it hard?"

"Oh yes. Very. But I'm sure your patience will come through."

With that, Madam Rakepick turned on her heel and walked out of the training grounds, and I had no choice but to follow her inside.

As I traipsed through the Great Hall, I quickly found an empty seat beside Rowan and I collapsed in it, ignoring the stares that bore into my brain. "Sorry," I apologized hastily.

"Not so lenient, isn't she?" Rowan asked automatically, noticing the sweat on my forehead and frowning.

"Not really. But she's helpful." I quickly sat up and grabbed a slice of toast. "Something tells me she's just going to be harsher with my education from here, especially when it comes down to breaking the curses on the Vaults."

"Or she wanted to see if you're a threat," Rowan said, shaking her head. "We don't know for sure. If it lightens your mood, though, there's a Hogsmeade trip coming up this weekend. Professor McGonagall put the notice on the board in our common room."

"Really? I must have missed the memo," I responded with a slight tilt of my head. "That's exciting, though. I really miss going to Hogsmeade."

"Same here! I still have yet to nail the Butterbeer recipe. I still don't think I got it quite down yet." Rowan laughed and nudged me gently with her elbow. "It would also give us a chance to talk about the Vaults without Rakepick around."

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