The Meeting

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"Yo Captain. The Whitebeard guy woke up. The doc patched him up and then he went back to sleep."

"Why didn'tcha tell me a bit sooner huh? I wanna know his story."

"Eh we kinda forgot. But doc says he be up and running soon anyways."

"You two manage to get his name?"ask Roger as he stared out into the seas. The boy seem so familiar to him he just couldn't figure it out. He probably met him with Whitebeard once but just forgot. A name will probably help maybe. Probably not. Roger has not always been one to remember people.

"Yeah about that we didn't get his name but the man burst in flames.doc says he's a devil fruit user. I bet he has some super awesome name because of his power though. I mean it says ASCE but the S is crossed out." Said Shanks merrily "Maybe he got a cheap ass tattoo job and they spell his name wrong but the Jolly Roger on his back is soo wicked. I'll get one of our Jolly Roger too but bit smaller because it probably hurts a lot. Hey cap you have a tattoo? Did it hurt?"

"Ace." Roger whispered to himself and his body started to shake."Ace. ACE hahahahahahaha!" He laughed loudly "marvelous simply MARVELOUS GAHHAHA!!!"

"What's up Captain! You know the man?" Questioned Shanks.

"No. Not exactly." Replied Roger

" Then what's so funny?" Said Shanks getting weary of his Captain. Shanks had the honor of sailing on the ship of one of the greatest pirates of the seven seas but his captain was strange at times.
The Roger Pirates were meeting up with the crew of the Whitebeard pirates and the marines vice admiral Monkey D. Garp for a friendly drink in a week's time. The old coots have been fighting it out for quite a while now but it didn't stop them from being drinking buddies. It became the chosen date to return the unusual man they had found drifting however it changed to the day where some men will become rich. The crew had a growing curiosity so they cast a bet of whether the boy is a true Whitebeard pirate or a phony. The Whitebeard pirates were revered as a tight knit family, you mess with one of them and you die. There are the known deadbeats who would take on their emblem for some degree of safety however if they ever found a fake heads roll.

With news that the boy had just woke up bets were soaring and so they took the chance to be marry pirates and party.

Home. The feeling a the gentle rocking of the ship, the salty stale air of a cabin and the sound of his crew marry making. Ace let himself be comforted with this feeling but somewhere in the back of his mind he knew it wasn't true he pushed it away. But it kept nagging and nagging until it exploded in his face. He was dead, this wasn't his ship, a strange boy who looked like Shanks and the immense pain swallow his body. He woke up with full conscious this time. Ace noticed the man who was taking care of him before snoring in a chair starting to rouse.

"Gah!" The man yet out a yawn before standing up to stretch, " finally awake huh? Boy. Bout time. Stay awake for awhile will you?"

"Uh. Who are you? Where am I?" Questioned Ace defensively.

"Name's Crocus. Doctor if the Oro Jackson, ship of the Roger Pirates." Said Crocus proudly. Preparing some mush mixed in with medicine he handed Ace the bowl , "here. Food. You have to eat."

The smell of food was intoxicating even if it was a bit strange looking. Ace grabbed the bowl and scraped the bowl clean.

"Another"demanded Ace.

"Sorry no can do. You have to take it easy your body won't take so much food right away. You have a number of injuries and a lot of questions surrounding you. Our captain wanted to see you when you woke up. I suggest you get your ass moving and follow me."

'Captain' Ace thought to himself. A sudden array of dominoes fell consecutively and finally falling on a switch that turned a lightbulb on in his head. 'Wait. Captain of the Oro Jackson. Ship of the pirate king. But they're gone. Dead like I'm supposed to be dead. But Shanks. Wait time travel? No it cant be. I felt it. I saved Luffy.'

This was way to much thinking for Ace to deal with best to just see the Captain. Gol D. Roger. If it was the goddamn man, it would mean the heavens had sent Ace to claim his revenge. For every time he had to suffer. For every person he loved get hurt by his blood. For Garp. For Luffy. For Pops. For everyone.

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