Chapter 13

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"YOU KILLED Z!" Mal shouted, and her voice rang from her mind, voice rumbling in H's mind while a thunderstorm brewed. "No. SHE did. I tried to kill you, but she saved you and that was her choice. It's your fault she's dead!" H half-grinned and half-choked. "SHUT UP! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS!" Mal bellowed, rearing her head back as she summoned a huge wave, like a tsunami, to rise behind her and crash down on H.

The widened eyes of shock on H's face was forever preserved as she drowned underwater with no ability to escape for she was still pinned down by Mal. "Blub blub blub..." The air slowly left H in bubbles through her open mouth. Her thrashing about ceasing, Mal took it as a cue to send the water back to where it belonged rightfully, in the sea. Smoothly transforming back into her human form, Mal looked at the disaster of the once peaceful beach. The sand had been stained red with their bloodshed, and the beach furniture were all drenched, broken, and overturned.

Waving her hand, Mal cleaned up everything, placing them one by one, repaired, back onto the beach nicely. With a seperate twitch of her fingers, she sent H's carcass back to Z's dungeons before she scooped up Z's limp body, the wings dragged on the sand, for they usually already spanned 39 feet long. Z's last smile had remained on her face, and together with her eyes shut, it made her look serene and tranquil.

"Maybe that's what she wanted, to be free from fights, far from wars, living together in peace..." Mal muttered, the wind catching at her words, and unbeknownst to her sending them into Z's ears. Standing up slowly with Z's body in her arms, Mal was all ready to create a portal back to Z's castle when she heard someone moaning, and stirring back into consciousness was none other than...

Maleficent. "Mum!" Mal finally remembered her mother's presence, softly placing Z back down on the sand again, not far from Maleficent before she ran over to Maleficent's side and knelt down, helping her to sit up. "Pfft!" Maleficent spat out a mixture of sea water and sand that had been washed into her mouth by accident. "Where are we?" She observed, deducing from the clean surroundings that she was off the isle of the lost. Then, spotting Z's body, she narrowed her eyes, "What happened to her? Also, why are we here at wherever we are now? What exactly happened, missy?"

Turning her head away from Maleficent, not wanting her mother to see her tears or any part of her showing weakness, Mal fought to steady her slightly wavering voice, "Z's dead, mum. You were possessed at that time, you wouldn't possibly know. She died to save me from H, who was the person who possessed you. As to where we are, we are down in the human realm, on an isle in Scotland."

"Another isle, great!" Maleficent grumbled, not bothering to hide her sarcasm just as something clicked in her brain, "Wait, isn't Scotland part of the United Kingdoms?" However, there was no response as Mal stared blankly as the sun set on the horizon, casting the sun's last golden light for the day all over the line that seperated the sky and the sea. Maleficent understood, or so she thought, that lost of a loved one, and that stirred something she kept passive within her all along, something she did not want to reveal entirely: Love.

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