A simplistic backstory

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         I seem to see myself as a hero, I'm unsure of why I do, how did I get this far? Why did I come back here, to him. Be with him? No stop, don't think of that, breath in, breath out, you're going to be alright. Don't panic. He'll be there for you. Are you ready? For our story?..

An early morning seemed to wake her, her eyes opened and she looked upon her room, a young girl, about 12. This was when everything seemed to fall apart, her childhood friend sadly moved away. She stare out her window as the empty day seemed to continue. A little girl with no more friends. No one to protect her. It seems to have happened a little too fast, she began her walk to school, the first day, the last day.

As she walked. Her saddened steps echoed on the pavement. As a sound not so familiar to her ears began to ring, an explosion of her home, how cliche for a childhood background, dead parents, what a familiar thing to read. She'd lost it all now, her friend, her family. Her steps no longer took her to school or to home. It took her to an orphanage, which she still never made any friends. She talked to the other things, small spiders had made a nest in her window ledge, she spoke to them, they were all she had, other then the bruises that covered her softened young body, they were from her new orphan siblings. No one likes her.

This new life, she hated, so of course, as any sad child would. She ran away, in the night, having tried to take a spider friends with her, but in sadness she failed, for they bite her, thankfully not special or venomous. She heads out, starting life over, she may start starving, but she works her way up, stealing or begging when she needs food or water. Her life being simple once more, the streets her family.

This is how her story begins, with more details, she grows up, a new companion helped make her a suit inwhich she used to help with usual things, she had no powers, just stopped purse robbing and anything she could truly help with. Maybe one day she'll gain powers, or gain a gun and knock people out that way.

Venom/Eddie Brock X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now