Chapter 22

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"Wake up, love... please."

Don't... call me, that. 

"Only if you wake up for me, Alexandre."

Feeling a soft brush against his cheek made Alexandre' body finally begin to come around. It felt like it was on fire, though. Especially his left shoulder.

"Don't try to move too much, you've been shot."

Aren't vampires generally immune to regular bullets?

"It was not a normal bullet, Alexandre."

Figures... damn thing hurts.

There was a deep chuckle in response to his words, then came the feeling of something warm and wet being placed against his shoulder. It felt good after the initial pain from being touched dwindled.

"It has medicine on it to help heal the wound faster. I already got the bullet out but some of the coating, which was made using holy water, is still inside and will likely slow your ability to heal."

I'm still going to kill you.

"Of course."

He could tell that he was just humoring him as he fastened the warm cloth in place, then began running his hands down his body.

Wait a second... am I naked?

"Of course. We were interrupted while enjoying intercourse so I did not think to re-clothe you while fleeing from another possible attack."

But I remember hearing another shot. Maybe two? When we were moving.


What happened? Is Desden okay?

Silence met his question, but perhaps James was so focused on rubbing the second cloth he had in his hand over his chest that he hadn't really been paying attention?

"Is Desden okay?"

He didn't respond again, and the cloth moving against Alexandre's chest slowed to a halt. He could feel the tension in James even though they were barely touching. Something had to have happened.

Forcing his eyes to open, Alexandre blinked in the dim candlelight and tilted his head enough to look up at the other vampire.

"Is he gone?"

He wasn't sure what to make of his expression as James fought to control multiple emotions warring across his face.


The man above him bared his teeth, but he knew it wasn't honest aggression. He was mad... most likely at himself. Sitting up, Alexandre reached out with his right hand, snagging James' shirt-sleeve so that he couldn't walk away.

"James, talk to me."

His eyes cut to his before they narrowed.

"Why? You are going to kill me, so what does it matter to you if my son is now dead?"

So he took the two bullets I had heard...

That wouldn't have been enough to kill him, but it definitely would have done enough to allow Wallace to finish the deed. 

"I-I'm—" "Don't you dare apologize when you don't mean it."

Alexandre shut his mouth right away. James was right, he wasn't really sure if he meant to apologize. If Desden was dead, then that was one less monster to drain the life from innocent humans.

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