Winter: Part 3

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Jack's breathing was turning ragged and impossibly loud inside his helmet as he beat back a wind spirit that attempted to steal the air from his lungs. Even with his Guardian powers aiding him, the efforts of battling the storm and spirits that dwelled within it was taking its toll. The other Guardians were feeling the same way, particularly North who was tasked with both battling the spirits and attempting to steer the sleigh while Bunny protected the reindeer. The occasional golden glow of Sandy's Dreamsand creatures cut through the endless white of the blizzard as they chased after the winter spirits, as well as bursts of flame as Alsayf attempted to combat the cold with her summer powers. But unless they were able to reach Jokul again, their efforts wouldn't amount to anything.

An enormous, golden serpent twisted past Jack, racing after a snow spirit, while another three spirits attempted to blast it with ice. Jack watched as the serpent caught the wind spirit, crushing it between its jaws, before losing its form and transforming into a cloud of Dreamsand that shook off the ice the spirits had thrown at it before it reformed again, now coiling after them.

An idea formed in Jack's mind and he urged the Nightmare back down to the sleigh, leaping off and landing lightly on the wooden floor.

"I think I have a way into the eye!" he shouted over the wind to North who was threatening a flurry spirit that was dissipating and reforming to avoid his blades.

"I am all ears!" North bellowed back, taking a moment to wipe ice from his goggles.

"What if we surround the sleigh with Dreamsand to protect us against the weather and spirits and just punch a hole?"

North seemed to contemplate the idea, pausing for a moment before nodding and said, "Yes, it may work. But where is Sandy?"

That made Jack hesitate. He hadn't seen the older spirit since they'd first dove into the storm. The only evidence that he was still fighting were the Dreams that occasionally appeared, chasing down Jokul's spirits.

"What about Pitch?" he called, "He could do it."

"You had better go tell him before he becomes too weak."

Jack nodded and waved down his Nightmare who flew down alongside the sleigh, allowing him to leap back upon its back and urge it back upward, keeping an eye out for Pitch's black, coiling Nightmare Sand. Despite his initial trepidation, the Nightmare was beginning to grow on him; strangely loyal and obedient, it was less fearful than it had first appeared. And its nightmarish screams were beneficial for making the spirits hesitate enough for Jack to gain the advantage.

He searched through the blizzard for Pitch's darkness, but there was little sign of him.

He leaned down over the Nightmare's neck, close to its ear. "Can you find Pitch?"

The Nightmare nodded in understanding and wheeled around, dashing through the blizzard in search for its master. Drawn by his dark power, it didn't take long for Pitch to appear, using tendrils of power to slash and stab at the spirits that dared to approach.

The Nightmare called out and Pitch glanced behind him to see them approach.

"Come to lend a hand?" he snapped, and his ashen grey face seemed even paler than usual.

"I have an idea to get through to the eye!" he called back and relayed the plan.

Pitch seemed to consider before nodding tersely and following Jack back to the sleigh where Bunny and Tooth had returned to the relative safety behind the windshield. Jack urged the Nightmare to join them, huddling down among the seats while Pitch stood next to North and directed his cloud of Nightmare Sand to form a swirling vortex around them, changing shape too quickly for the ice and snow to freeze it and the spirits to break through. The reindeer balked at the sudden appearance of the sand but North urged them onwards, cracking the reins and steering them straight for the eye.

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