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When he woke again, he was pleasantly surprised to find the pain in his stomach had faded completely and upon closer inspection, he found that the only thing remaining from his almost fatal wound was a gruesome looking scar.

A familiar blue cloth lying on his bedside table stole his attention and he grinned and unfolded yet another new hoodie, pulling it on once more. But his smile quickly faded as he glanced down and noticed the fern-shaped ice patterns that formed unintentionally at the sleeves, collar, and hem, weren't forming as large as they usually did.

Movement from his left drew his attention and he looked up to see Chūntiān sitting against the wall, head lowered and breathing deeply. She must have healed the remainder of the wound while he was asleep. And the toll it had taken was clear; her skin was still pale but now it was beaded with sweat and every now and then she would shiver from the cold.

He quickly climbed to his feet, wary of any unexpected pain, but pleased to find none remaining, and moved to crouch at her side.

"Chūntiān?" he asked gently, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She stirred and slowly lifted her head, normally vibrant green eyes now shadowed with exhaustion.

"Jack," she mumbled, "You are awake. How do you feel?"

"Like you used way too much energy healing me."

She smiled weakly and mumbled, "I will recover faster than you would have. Besides, I couldn't see you suffer..."

She trailed off as her head slumped once again and he quickly scooped her up and lay her on the newly vacated bed.

Spying his staff leaning against the wall, he quickly snatched it up and began making his way to the door, pausing as he saw a yeti mopping the floor.

"Can you keep an eye on her?" he asked, gesturing to where Chūntiān slept and the yeti nodded.

As he made his way up towards the Globe Room, despite his wound now being fully healed, he felt a sense of unease. He wasn't exactly in pain, but felt... strange. He paused as he reached a balcony overlooking the workshop, the Globe rotating slowly above him. He summoned the wind to carry him upwards... but nothing happened. He frowned, and reached out again, putting more effort into it, and a sluggish breeze formed, swirling around him slowly.

The unease he felt escalated into genuine fear as he put all his focus into calling the wind, and was finally rewarded with a strong gust of air that scooped him up and carried him up onto the Globe Room balcony where the Guardians were quietly talking. As he clumsily landed, he noticed Pitch was also present, lounging in one of the massive armchairs sitting before the hearth, sprawling over the armrests with a smug smile on his face.

"Having a little trouble, are we?" he asked.

"Shut up," Jack snapped back, making his way over, but keeping well back from the fire.

"What's he talking about?" Bunny demanded, "What's wrong?"

"I'm fine," Jack insisted, "Chūntiān finished healing me. I'm good as new."

"Are you sure about that?"

Jack turned on him angrily, then paused as he noticed the elements not responding to his emotions as they usually did. The Guardians noticed it too.

"Your powers..." Tooth began haltingly, her eyes widening in fear and Pitch's smile grew wider as he took it all in.

"I still have them!" he rushed to assure her, if only to wipe that insufferable grin from Pitch's face.

Rise Of The Guardians - The Life Of A SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now