Four Years

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"Four years of nothing! Four years of waiting for any news at all! Four years of watching Kevin deteriorate! And now she has the audacity to call after four years!

He was afraid to be alone because he had become so depressed and suicidal. One of us were always with him twenty-four-seven. And of course I had to be the one here when she called.

We leave tonight for Wisconsin. According to Kevin Ciarraden opened a new shop over there, less vintage building, but same scary-ass voodoo mannequins. She lives with her son, her boyfriend and his kid. Apparently it was the boyfriends kids idea to have Vincent meet Kevin, she did a family tree project and did a bit of searching. Kids a stalker really. "

"Your hour is up Mr. Koochaki."

"Thank you." I stood up and nodded.

"Have a good day Mr. Koochaki, keep a log if needed on your trip."

"I will."

On my way home I passed the former building of Crystal, which was now a simple second hand shop owned by a practically deceased old man. I went in once or twice, and was pleased by the lack of mannequins. The new owner had taken down the black paper and scrubbed clean the glowing paint from the alley beside it. Erasing the signs that we had once inhabited the area frequently.

I said goodbye to Alli before relieving Manny of his watch. Kevin was laying on the couch twirling his phone around in his hand. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling in a daze. "Take your pills?" I asked as I stepped into the kitchen for food.

"Yes." He mumbled.

"All of them."

He began listing off the names of his medications.

"Need anything to eat?"

"No." He was watching the blades of the fan slowly rotate above him.

"When do you want to head out?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Oh come on." I said sympathetically. "He's your son you've got to be excited."

"He's my son." He agreed. "But I'm not his dad."


"He's never met me, I didn't raise him."


He exhaled deeply. "Get to sleep we can leave around nine." He pulled an afghan over his shoulders and rolled to his side.

"Meh." I sat on the chair and flicked on the tv. "I probably won't sleep." I flipped through channels and ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

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