Chapter Six

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You know what the worst thing in the world is? Awkward silence. Yep. And that's exactly what filled the car on our way back to Len's house.

Yukari and I sit in the back, gazing out our respective windows. Before I had let her meet the guys, we had gone clothes shopping for something less...dirty and disgusting. The both of us, however, still needed to take showers. Badly.

Ah, a shower. That would be nice.

"'re the Len and Gakupo I've heard so much about! IA never stopped talking about all your adventures as children." Yukari tries to start a conversation. I shoot her a look, silently warning her to not say too much. She nods.

"Well, we were pretty active children." Gakupo laughs, turning in his seat to face us.

"Yeah. Never stopped moving." Len adds with a smile. "Always the four to cheer someone up or get a game started at school. IA was always the nicest, though."

"I can't imagine her ever being like that. She's always so rough and emot-" I slap her leg before she could go on.

"Yukari!" I glare at her.

"Eh, forget I said that." Yukari glances at me as she pats Len's shoulder.

"Kaito grew up quite a bit." I change the subject quickly. Why couldn't Yukari have a filter on her words? Even when I warned her.

"He did. Do you remember Meiko? He still has the hugest crush on her." Gakupo immediately starts gossiping as if it's as natural as breathing. "And Lily has apparently liked him for a long time, and won't stop asking him out. Kaito tries to be nice, but last time he just walked away. Lily's really persistent. Meiko still doesn't really notice that he likes her because she apparently has a crush on Kiyoteru. Hey, IA, are you even listening?"

I focus on Gakupo's blue eyes and shake my head.

"Do I have to start over?" Gakupo says, exasperated.

Waving my hands frantically, I urge him to just continue where he left off.

He sighs. "Alright. Well. The common theory is that Kiyoteru is in love with his classes and work, so there's no chance he'd say yes to Meiko. Or most people think so. I wonder why Kaito hasn't asked her out yet? He doesn't seem like the kind to hide his feelings. Right, Len?"

"I guess." Len doesn't even spare Gakupo a glance. It doesn't seem like gossip is his forte.

"So, I think he might just end up all alone surrounded by ice cream if he doesn't step up and persuade Meiko into liking him." Gakupo concludes, finally turning back around to sit normally.

"I don't know who anyone of those people are except Kaito." Yukari mentions lightly.

"You'll most likely get to know everyone. They are our friends, after all." Gakupo assures her.


Back at Len's house, he informs us that his parents were away at work and wouldn't be home for a few hours.

"Rin's gone off somewhere with Gumi. Probably stalking Yuma again." Len shrugs, pushing open his bedroom door. I glance at Yukari, and see that she's barely concealing her excitement at being in a house again.

"Don't you" I question as I plop down on his couch.

"We can go whenever we really want. At least once every two days. It's not like we do much anyway." Len chuckles, tossing his keys on his bed and taking a seat next to me.

"Why don't you do much?" Yukari inquires, sitting cross legged on the floor in front of us.

"We sing most of the time, then learn the remaining part. It's pretty fun." Gakupo joins in the conversation, jumping on Len's bed.

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