Chapter Nine

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Len's POV

I storm out of the theater, rage clouding my vision. Couldn't Kaito tell I liked IA? Why couldn't he tell? I hadn't ever told him, but I thought I was making it sure as hell was obvious to me.

"Len! Wait up!"

CUL. Who else would be following me? Not IA. She was too busy staring into Kaito's eyes after...after they kissed. Tears threaten to spill onto my cheeks as my throat begins to burn from the cries rising in my chest.

"Len...please, why'd...why'd you rush off like that?" CUL, out of breath, had caught up with me, stopping me with her hand on my arm.

I stay silent, turning my head away from her searching gaze. "Nothing you need to worry about." My voice cracks as I jerk my arm from her grasp.

"I'm always worrying about you." She continues to try to get me to look at her while I continue to avoid her eyes.

"You shouldn't. I'm fine." I lie, staring off at the restaurant right next to the theater.

"You're not fine. You wouldn't have run so fast if you were. You wouldn't have left the movie right before it ended. Len, you're not fine. Why can't you tell me what happened?"

How could she be doing this to me? She saw them kiss, too. Could she really be so blind as to think I bolted for some other reason?

"Please...I hate seeing you like this..." CUL tentatively reaches her hand out for my shoulder. "I...I lov-"

"No! No, you can stop there. I don't need this right now, okay?" I turn on her, unable to control myself anymore as the hot tears stream down my face and my voice rises to a yell. "You don't, you cannot, understand what I'm feeling right now. So just...just stop. Please. I don't need you questioning me and I just want to be alone." Fists clenching at my sides, I swallow when I realize what I've said. Her mouth drops open as if she's about to say something and I watch as tears fill her eyes. Shame washes over me. "Oh, God. No. I-I didn't mean-"

"Save it." Her voice cracks. "You don't need this? Do you know how long I've been trying to get you to look at me like you look at her? IA?" CUL's hands move as she speaks, her eyes darting everywhere but my own until she closes them. After a moment of silence, she takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "I can't anymore, Len. I can't do this. I know that you love her-" She holds up a hand when I open my mouth to protest. "I know. And that's why I know I can't keep up a friendship with you. I don't like her as much as I try to, and it kills me to see you look at her with such affection. She has a darkness in her, Len. It haunts her, as much as she tries to ignore it. She can only bring you pain, and when you finally realize that, I won't be there to help you. Goodbye, Len. I wish you the best of luck." CUL leans forward and kisses my cheek softly, her tears wetting my skin, or maybe they're my own. Then she turns and walks away, red ponytail swaying slightly in the light breeze.

That's the last I ever saw of her.


Everything's different. Call me crazy, but it is. And not different in the good way. Oh, no, not that. God forbid I have something good happen to me.

IA's dating Kaito.

Kaito's dating IA.

They're dating each other.

One of my good friends and the girl I'm in love with. I'm not afraid to admit it now. I'm in love with her. With the way her hair moves as she gestures wildly and talks about the music she so loves. With the way her contagious laugh seems to echo through my very being. With the way her smile can lift me up out of my darkest moments. I'm in love with her. There's no denying it anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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