Chapter Two

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"Yukari...come on, pick up, Yukari." I glance around at the sound of footsteps, biting my lip. I really hoped that no one would come down this way when I chose to call Yukari here.

I pull my hood farther down over my face, trying to melt into the shadows of the alley.

"So then I was like, 'God no. You're too ugly!'" A woman in large high heels walks by, talking rapidly into her cell phone.

Don't notice me, don't notice me.

I clench my fist until she's gone.

"IA? IA! I'm almost there. I'll find you." I finally notice that Yukari is talking. I sigh.

"Jeez, you scared me for a second there. Alright, I wanna explore this city a bit with you and gather anything we can before moving on. It really sucks that you got caught escaping."

"Ah, don't worry 'bout little ol' me! I'm just fine by myself." Yukari replied in a chipper manner.

"Well, still. There's plenty of gangs between here and back home. And they weren't even that nice there."

"So? Alright. I'm coming up on a gas station. See you tomorrow!" Yukari hangs up.

I shove the stolen purple phone back in my pocket with a glance around the dark alley.

I had enough money to do anything I wanted. Well, anything worth doing anyway.

I begin to notice a disgusting smell that was different from the scent of garbage all around me. Curling my nose, I look down at myself. Filthy.


Tapping my foot impatiently, I constantly look at the phone for the time. When was my jacket going to be ready? I felt naked without it.

I grind my teeth together. I shouldn't be out in the open for this long. What if those kids from the other day came strolling by and saw me in here? I could get arrested!

Another thought made a pit form in my stomach. What if someone from a gang around here recognized me? Oh, the things they would do to me!

I hear the dryer ding and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Finally! Grabbing the black jacket from the depths of the dryer, I think of the kids again.

They were familiar somehow. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I could have sworn I've seen them before. I bite my lip as I leave, my jacket protecting me from the world once again.

Now, for new clothes.

I look around the practically empty street. There was only one store that might have clothes in view. A thrift store.

Eh, it worked for me. Just means I have more money left over after I'm through.

Once I'm in, I just pick up anything I take a liking to. Then look at the price and choose from there.

I end up with a pink skirt, white and pink boots, a black tank top, and mismatched socks. I know, not the best choice for a kid trying to hide, but they were the cheapest things in the store that I would actually wear.

"This all you need?" The cashier says in a monotone voice.

I nod. "Can I change in there before I leave?" I point to the small changing room in the back.

"Do whatever you like. I really don't care." He yawns, resting his head on his hand. "That'll be eight dollars."

I hand him the money and hesitate before hurrying to the changing room.

"Thank you!" I call back to him, shutting the door and locking it.


After dressing and throwing away my old clothes, I decided to wander around the city a bit. The quieter parts, of course. I didn't want to stumble upon any fights or drunken idiots.

On the opposite side of the street, a flickering sign caught my eye.

Billy's Karaoke Bar.

Ah, what the hell. I deserved a little fun, right? And what else was I supposed to do in this place without Yukari?

Before I could change my mind, I run across the street and duck inside.

The walls are a fuchsia color splattered with bright green paint. The metal tables gleam in the light. And to my surprise, the place is actually quite busy. However, most of everyone here are teenagers.

A sign above the front counter says, "No alcohol sales after 10 p.m." I glance at the clock hanging above the door. 10:46.

Cool. That meant that the few adults here wouldn't be drinking.

I take a seat close to the stage in a corner. A waiter comes rather quickly to take my order. I only wanted a soda.

Taking notice of the woman on stage singing, I begin to wonder if I should go up there after her.

You don't know any songs, I scold myself. You'll go up there and humiliate yourself.

Just do it. Improvise the tune, and sing the words. There. Easy.

I bite my lip in indecision. While debating in my head, the woman finished her song and walked off the small stage blushing like mad. Everyone in the room was clapping.

With the stage and applause tempting me, I decide.

I swallow and lick my lips as I step up on to the stage. I take off my jacket, setting it aside. I'm terrified out of my mind with all these people staring at me, but when I decided, I also decided that I can't have a jacket as a security blanket. If I was going to do this, I had to get out of my comfort zone.

Taking a shaky breath, I flip through the song book until something catches my eye. Last Song by Megurine Luka. Hmph. Wasn't she one of those Vocaloids? Man, I wanted to be one of those when I was little. Of course, I had no way to achieve it at the time. Still don't. And I stopped following their news when I dropped off the radar.

Anyway, I tell the DJ guy by the stage what I was going to sing. He nods, then starts the music.

I take a shaky breath as words begin to appear on the screen.

"As you are fading away," I begin. The hand that is holding the microphone is sweating and shaking. It didn't help that right after I start singing, all eyes turn to me. It was bad before, when only a few people were talking and looking at their phones. Now literally everyone was staring me down

"'That I love you, I love you, I love you," Oh my god, no. I'm only halfway through the song! This can't be happening. Not now, when I'm singing and defenseless! The worst possible thing that could've happened, happens. Why do I have to live my life?

The two boys from the other day walk into Billy's Karaoke Bar.

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