Jacob's Surprise

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"BELLS!" I wasn't in the house completely before I was off the ground and gasping for air. I hadn't even registered Jacob's face before I was in his arms.

"Jake...put me...down...Need to...breath."

He laughed as he placed me on my feet. "Sorry Bells. I'm just so excited that you're home." He stood in front of me, placed his hand on my head then slid it forward to hit just below his chest. "Are you shrinking, Bells? I could have sworn we were the same height at one point."

I playfully slapped his away his hand. "You're just a beast, Jake. Geez," I stared up at him, "Maybe I am shrinking. There's no way you grew a whole foot in a few short months."

He looked out the window to the silver Volvo that was driving away. "A lot can change in a few months, Bells." He seemed thoughtful. I wondered if he had been watching us through the window.

I had to distract him, "Yeah, like the working condition of my truck."

He smiled down at me. His happy humor easily recalled. "I'm surprised that truck lasted you this long. It's gotten to the point it'll need a monthly check-up to keep running."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "You have to fix it, Jake. I want my truck at school."

"Bells, I don't think that old thing's going to be able to make another trip to New Hampshire."

"It has to. How am I going to get back and forth from school if I don't have a set of wheels?"

He stared back out the window to where the Volvo had been, "Looks like you got home fine without it to me, Bells."

I slapped his arm lightly. I knew from experience that I was more likely to hurt myself than him. "Jacob Black, were you spying on me?"

He cocked an eyebrow at me. "It's not spying when you're out in public like that, Bella. What happened? You used to be so shy about anything like that."

I walked into the living room with him on my heels. I needed to drop my duffle. "I don't know, Jake. Things are just different with him. I don't care what other people think." That wasn't true. I wanted people to see me with Edward. I felt the need to mark him as my own.

I walked up the stairs saying hey to Charlie in the living room on my way up. I could still feel Jake behind me. It was strange. As large as the boy was, he moved with such grace that I sometimes forgot that he was there. "So where's your truck now?"

"About thirty miles out from Forks. I pulled over for a moment, and when I tried to restart the car, it just wouldn't."

"That sucks. That means I'll have to get it towed. There's no way I can push that old heap of metal thirty miles."

I quickly turned toward him. "Why does everybody have to pick on my truck? It's worked great for me so far, and as soon as you fix it, it will work fine for me again."

He laughed, "Maybe I should kill the old thing. I don't think you should drive it any more, Bells."

"You can't kill my car. That's a crime. I'll report you to the police chief for murder."

He laughed, "You're gonna go tell your Daddy, Bells. What are we, 5?"

"Fine," I crossed my arms over my chest, "I'll tell the Quileute elders. I'm sure the head of the council will be especially interested in the crime you're planning to commit."

"Oh, now you're threatening to tell my father. At least grow up enough to be a teenage girl. Say you're gonna tell my girlfriend or something like that."

"Girlfriend?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "How come I didn't know about this?"

"How come I didn't know about that guy outside?" he countered.

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